
So a magazine focused on and devoted to men put a man in charge? Jeepers, that must be shocking to, oh, say, five people. Who all live under a rock. Come. On. This jumping on anything that is not about women is getting absurd. People get fired and the idea that a magazine would fire the editor (male or female) and

He’s trained in the art of shrugging off your attacks as he calmly snaps your bones like if he were preparing kindling for a camp fire.

Zero. Next question.

I had open heart last February (quad bypass, thank you very much), and I cannot imagine recovering without someone to take care of me, physically and emotionally. The operation is devastating, and then after maybe six days in a cardiac ICU, you’re discharged. That’s it. You’ve got a seam running from the top of your

My dad was installing a Chinese microwave transmitter in Hong Kong. The Mainland Chinese guys who vended it to him literally just gave him the transmitter. No box, no docs, no manual.

I’m squarely in the “lack of split screen killed the game for me” camp. Earlier this year my girlfriend and I started playing through the Halo campaigns together. Partially in anticipation of Halo 5. We made it up through Reach.

I would’ve thought Churchill would’ve been a bit more sympathetic to Aussies’ drunken slurring, given his love of the bottle. Then again, the dude was capable of giving stirring oratory with perfect Received Pronunciation while completely shitfaced. No mercy for the weak, I suppose.

So it was Fostered from the English language.

I was on the team that maintained the navigation software for the B2 bomber out at Tinker AFB back in the mid 90’s ... Wanna know the difference between our stealth jets and Boeings? Ours can fly in the rain ;-)

I usually think it’s obnoxious when people do that whole “oh you didn’t vote? Then you can’t complain” schtick, but goddamn, the amount of times I’ve heard someone under the age of 35 prattling on about how the right wing is destroying the country and how The Daily Show totally “destroyed” so-and-so the other night

Michael the Helicopter Dog Parent

Have you ever seen an airfield in Russia? Their aircraft are made to take off in just such environments. In fact, some of their tactical aircraft (like the Mig-29) close their main intakes and opens slits in the top during take-off for just that reason.

Let’s look at all the silver linings here.

The driver should be charged with attempted murder - but because he “only” hit a motorcycle, he won’t be.

They’re just jokes.

Our tax dollars also keep the lights on in the Pentagon. Why don’t you walk in?


Losing a cruise missile or two is still better than intentionally attacking a hospital though, right?

Dont cha hate when another country intervenes in another war it shouldn’t? Oh wait, the US does that all the time.