
Can I get discounts for not being overweight?

[World renowned ISIS expert Bernard Haykel] regards the claim that the Islamic State has distorted the texts of Islam as preposterous, sustainable only through willful ignorance. “People want to absolve Islam,” he said. “It’s this ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ mantra. As if there is such a thing as ‘Islam’! It’s what

Oooh they are not going to like my line of FalklandsFreedomWear™ I’ll be pitching next week on Shark Tank.

Many white passing Latinxs are racist towards brown skinned Latinxs and especially towards Afro-Latinxs. I don’t believe that these people don’t realize the problem.

The PS4 COULD do it, but is it?

Then rockstar needs to fix pcs multiplayer instead of being lazy fucks.

If I’m not mistaken this is the same principle the Japanese exploited in the ‘Hop-Up’ systems in Airsoft guns. The hop-up ‘bucking’, a rubber seal around the barrel, presses down on the BB as it passes through the barrel and the drag imparts backspin. (The amount it presses down, and thus the drag it imparts is often

You mean like Gawker does with content from Reddit daily?

“Which country that could possibly warrant a nuclear strike would allow a nuclear payload carrying aircraft to casually waltz into a strategic position and drop a nuke on them and do nothing to stop it?”

This is a garbage article. What dream world do we live in where if we just get rid of nukes other countries will follow? If you want to write an article on why we should abandon nuclear weapons write it. Don’t use a random weapons test as a stage for your anti-nuke propaganda. I wish I had the luxury to live in a

It’s the always-difficult compositing of live action touching digital elements. Drogon looked terrific wreaking havoc in the pit on his own, right up until Dany jumped up on him.....then it got pretty 90s pretty fast

Reddit, a popular site for creepers and fans of upskirt shots

Cheating on your husband with two convicted murderers, helping them escape prison and allegedly putting a hit on your hubby will not necessarily get you in the crosshairs here, but cheating on your wife will surely bring out the jezzie firing squad any time your name gets mentioned. Joyce Mitchell wins worst person in

They report on the news. Especially news regarding gender/race/minority/etc. issues. Why would they not report this? Not to mention, it’s already all over Twitter from that text. They wouldn’t be doing their job if they were to ignore it. I’m sure that there is someone who is offended by something in literally every

Because they’re busy establishing their electric car business using Nikola Tesla’s other big invention, the AC Induction Motor.

In response, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve ordered Paris police to issue a decree banning the activity of UberPOP

It’s pretty rich of her to construe a homeland security dude doing his job as “trying to get his 15 minutes” considering she hitched her wagon to an aging alcoholic superstar and hasn’t looked back since.


it’s also believable that Hugh Hefner pitted the women that lived with him against each other and emotionally manipulated them to get what he wanted.

Fuck it, I’d go.