
He played at around 260-270 and lost a LOT of weight pretty quickly after he retired. Plus of course by the end of this season he’s also lost the obligatory 20 lbs. on island. Seeing everyone puffed back up to their normal sizes at the reunion was bizarre.

Florida Panthers are a real thing and live in the Everglades and South Florida. I don’t know what Carolina’s excuse is.

Raptors are birds of prey (eagles, hawks, etc.). Makes sense for the name of a fighter plane, I think.

They’re saying “Miss” kathotdog, not “Ms.” kathotdog.

I don’t think that is a current photo of Kevin Dubrow.

Drew, get a Butter Bell.

Because that’s how it’s pronounced.

He was talking about it because Texas and Arkansas had a cheese dip (AR) vs. queso (TX) contest today. Texas lost.

What America really needs right now is more Marxist nonsense on sports websites. Who’s the genius who decided to turn Deadspin into Gawker 2.0 Jezebel minus the smug harridans?

You forgot to blame the smug left wingers who insist on politicizing everything, including irreverent sports-themed websites.

And baked beans. They eat baked beans. For breakfast.

I hope that’s what they mean because the idea that a super-talented DE who missed camp is therefore worthless for the next 4 months, even if he signed today, is classic NFL arrogant bullshit.

Anyone who wears an NFL jersey to a game where that team is not actually playing (or plays) is an asshole. Still trying to think of the appropriate epithet for a season ticket holder who does that every week.

That veggie tray story was fantastic.

You are so right. Levit clearly won that fight. Russia is bribing the judges.

You don’t read too good. That article does not say McNuggets are only 50% chicken.