
I’m sure if they had enlisted Captain for a mission to capture him, he would have gladly said yes and worked with them on that. But they were’t interested in that.

I agree. The only Avenger that has fucked up so bad to justify the accords is Iron Man himself. And now he’s going around throwing other superheros in prison for daring to challenge an accord that they didn’t need in the first place. (and Hawkeye is right in challenging him in asking: what did Tony Start think was

I gotta call BS. He was willing to sign the accords as long as there were safeguards w/ his concerns, and then Tony Stark basically goes and tells him that they’re using the accords to place Scarlet Witch under house arrest (and yes, that’s what it was, there is no getting around it) - presumably without due process

I have to completely disagree. Captain America is essentially taking a position that you shouldn’t put the power on straight up who to save into the hands of people who may have a conflict of interest - even if it’s the UN.

Captain America is not a superhuman like Spider-Man, he’s basically just Lance Armstrong circa 1998-2005

The article exists because Tom Ley saw the movie and wanted to criticize an aspect of it.

I was about to say. Looking at my tickets for Civil War after work today, taking a look at twitter. BAM! Well thanks for that.

Even before Civil War, I’ve rather seen Tony Stark as kind of the villain of the whole story arc, for the most part.

I think I’ve actually come to like AoU better than the first Avengers. I think people like Avengers because it was the first time they brought these characters together. I mean, Avengers is great too, but felt AoU was a more complex movie

I fixed it for you:

That could be true in reality (maybe), but if you’re doing a study where they can control for the qualifications of the candidates and you still get the same results - then this isn’t about having otherwise unqualified candidates in the final pool for diversities sake.

So basically “people are gonna bitch either way, so just as well cast whites in all the roles anyway!” is what you’re saying.

I think you are partly missing the point.

Well, if part of the idea is to promote parts of reddit without also showing how terrible certain parts of reddit are, then the answer is yes - they should have that obligation.

Day after Tomorrow was OK. 2012 was, well, yeah.

I personally think they’ll reserve the crawl for the “main event” movies - the episodes.

That’s always kinda what I’ve always thought about things like that.

Well he always kinda said A New Hope was told through the eyes of the droids, so this makes sense, really.

Artoo is always right

aren’t the workers also breaking the rules since he’s undocumented and probably working under the table (avoiding paying any income tax), so it’s not only the rich/wealthy breaking rules, but also the non-rich wealthy?