
You are forgetting, of course, to cite the work of Dr. Strangelove: "Women selected for breeding must be of a highly stimulating nature . . . at a ratio of ten women for every man." Who could argue with such genius?

Of course the real solution is for the players with the top 1% of cash to have an automatic get-out-of-jail-free-collect-golden-parachute-card that rewards them with 100K whenever there is any sign of malfeasance.

I saw the British TV show "Sapphire & Steel" when I was about 9 — it was the episode where they get sucked into the nursery rhyme and it haunted me for years.

Excellent. Though I don't think I will ever look at pork the same again. . .

Thanks for the list. I agree with you that there have been lots of stories about cannibals — and lots of cannibals throughout history —, but I still see The Road as a unique take on cannibalism because it focused on the idea that when everything does go down, then there is no question everyone will become cannibals -

Only in that it was the first time I'd seen a dystopian story focused on the horrors of cannibalism (other than the whole "Soylent Green is people" thing). That's why I was thinking this one was probably inspired by the cannibal scenes in The Road. Are there others?

Hey, lets make a new version of The Road, but lets cut out all depressing/sentimental father/son end of the world crap and just make it all guns, bombs, and cannibals! Woohoo!

This could work, but if genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, then you better have 99 cups of coffee for every one beer.

I think I spotted Sally Draper in the audience wearing one of the yellow ponchos — someone better call Don!

Twiki - A jive-talking poor man's R2-D2 - & Dr. Theopolis - a cranky, old C-3P0 (though I did love the show).

It would be much better if a tongue-tied Clark Kent turned to the camera and started muttering, "I'm Batman! I'm Batman!"

I head a similar idea - perhaps the same theory? - that the big change between today and 3,000 years ago was the development of reading and writing which has the effect of strengthening the left side of the brain so that we don't listen to the right side as much as we used to.

The Tripods series by John Christopher - starting with The White Mountains. Exceptionally good — and still good! I'm waiting for my kids to be old enough to read it. . .

How about if you eat something in Hell then you have to stay there? I will let them decide what constitutes Hell.

This was a great film and I found it easy to follow because for me the central theme was not "everything is connected" but "everything repeats itself." I found each story was just playing out the same power struggle but in different period clothing. That said, I like the graph because I had been meaning to go back and

I haven't tried vinegar, but I always get rid of hiccups by sucking on a teaspoon of honey. Works every time - and tasty, too (especially compared to vinegar)!

I've been thinking the same thing! I find it strange everyone has hopped on the 7-min title when it is not a 7-min workout! 6 min or 8 min would be accurate. Makes me wonder how many people talking about it have actually done it!

I've been using this workout for the past few days and I really like it. That said I just don't understand where they came up with the "7 min" title - when I add up the exercise time I get 6 min total exercise and 8 min total with rests. Also, if you do the side plank on both sides, which none of these apps seem to

I'm going to hold out for the 3D printed jet packs.