Matthew Phillips

My quick Photoshop work for what I think would be an awesome lineup of Kia Stinger colors:

If they played anime on a screen I totally would lift weights with a maid while watching stuff.

If this sort of business model takes off, we could end up with an army of jacked otaku; jacktaku, if you will. Although I shudder to think of the violence arcade machines would incur then.

ZJ, the worse XJ.

Rich _genius_ dude in a metal suit. One who had the tactical foresight to install predictive combat software...

That was a great scene altogether!

Yeah. To be fair though, most midsize sedans have adopted a more aggressive roof line, compromising back seat utility. I personally drive a 1st gen Fusion; Getting kids in and out isn’t really that bad. The current gen is much worse. It is also true though that midsize sedans are dying, at least as a family vehicle,

Yeah, but he wants to haul his family around in it. Have you ever tried to get in or out of the backseat of one of those things? He doesn’t mention the age of his children either. I had a media fleet 200 overnight once while at my old job. Getting my kid in and out of a rear facing car seat was quite a punishment.

Practically invisible.

You’ll know it’s a winner when you walk past it 4x in the parking lot because you forgot what it looked like.

lol this has Toyota Camry/Honda Accord written all over it.

Also - check out the Kia Sedona. It was the nicest of the minivans I’ve tried. And 276hp.

I love the minivan choice - spot on! I rented a minivan recently, and I must say, it was comfortable.

I tend to find Disney songs to be- at their very best- tolerable, with a tendency towards “the musical equivalent of driving railspikes into my ears.” So my vote would be no songs. But then I was unlikely to watch this movie either way.

The Viper is just so much cooler than most cars too. I feel like if I want to be a jackass in a Skyline, the car is going to step in and tell me “No, you’re cornering wrong, just let me handle it”. Whereas the Viper is more like “WHICH TREE SHOULD WE AIM FOR, BUDDY?!?!”

I hereby challenge David Tracy to take one of these to Moab.

The Subaru Forester is the best Jeep Cherokee. Discuss.

I will second you. We’ve had 3 Subarus and I’ve had Jeeps old and new(ish). I currently daily an Xterra which is almost the combination of the two in spirit.

Yeah, Jalopnik tends to do that.

I did the same in all my playthroughs. My personal view on the matter is that it’s underhanded and morally wrong to mess with another species’ reproductive rate. If you feel that strongly that they are breeding too rapidly, meet them on the field of battle to reduce their numbers. If you don’t win that war, well, the