Matthew Phillips

The bowtie looks bad. Chevy should feel bad for slapping them on this car.

Form XIII a.k.a. “Why, hello there.”

Are her pants falling off? Looks like the kids made a break for it while she was dressing up or In the bathroom.

I just updated Chrome on my MBA and after I relaunched, my fans will not stop spinning...

Except Iris was a total B to call off the engagement for the reason she did. My wife kept singing “Tainted Love” because she, too, thought Iris was a moron.

Let’s be honest, we all want to go fast in a supercar, but we don’t have the skill set

This is the right answer. I love driving. I love track driving. I’ll never be able to afford a supercar or rent one with the skill (read: balls) to push it to the limit. But I would also love to feel what the limit would be in a supercar. If this were a thing I would have already gotten a my frequent user discount.

Wait, Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, and Nathan Drake all taught me it’s okay to loot tombs as long as you’re the hot lead (or love interest) and can avoid the supernatural nastiness.

It’s not a defense, it’s a deterrent. Our way if saying we’re going to blow up their stuff if they don’t behave.

I would watch a Darcy movie. That is all.

That’s Tesla’s hope. That people love the brand and image that regardless of corners cut with the product, they’ll still want it. Tesla’s probably correct, unless there are quality problems.

Somehow, it looks much cheaper than the S. Which of course, it is.

I just can’t help thinking - is Miss Fritter a nod to Miss Frizzle?

He is suggesting that we kill them.

It really is weird for the theme park to be opening with no other supporting media anywhere in sight. The movie is barely even on TV.