Matthew Phillips

That’s impossible seeing she’s already playing a marvel character.

I don’t think he cares, he just wants to tell his dang story. Power to him.

As someone who has an HO scale Thomas this is Hilarious. I never grew out of Thomas because I grew up on the actual written stories and Shining Time station. That new CG shill they’re feeding your kids nowadays is gross.

“Air face”

I loved Thor 2 much more than Thor. Thor was boring and not interesting.


Keep fighting it !

Yup, This 85 Fox i’m getting will be my last 80's car. After that I’m going back to 90's. Built better, drives better, more efficient, more pleasant to be in for long drives.

Can I say this ?

I can’t be the only one that ships them.

Dear younger me, don’t listen to mom. Don’t fix their Explorer and transfer tags and title because the engine seizes three days later and the whole household is out of a car for five months. Keep the Taurus, fix the leaky fuel tank that was already in your amazon cart and drive that until you see the crown vic on

Just go at it full force all over the house and mark your territory. Every time they moan, make out. Every time they get their friends into your business politely ask their friends to leave your house and ground the hell out of your kids.

I still have my PSP GO and will often charge it up to play some P3P, dissidia and Monster hunter every now and then.

Half of them are “white” anyway...

Child is too young to be reading GiTS anyway... honestly Japan has more material with people that look like her than myself as a young black male does in his own country.

I’m getting this for my car...

My roommate loved this show, I saw the first episode, chuckled and never finished it.

Used Rv’s are at least much better to reuse, than a condom...

That’s like taking the 4WD off of a Hummer...

So after years of trying to create a homebrew custom beer... and failing they ‘re just going to Walmart and getting the cheap generic one...