
This picture actually appears to indicate an implosion. Although, I suppose eventually it does explode. Because in the end, EVERYTHING EXPLODES :D

Rule 34.

Rule 34. Does the suit extend down to the nether regions...

I think it's supposed to be Targeted Muscle Re-innervation. Not Re-innveration.

Couldn't you look at those things without moving your head? Does it eye-track or head-track? Or both?

Sooo.... LEGO Mindstorms?

MAKERS OF THE STOMPING LAND: The idea of this game is terrific, and it looks like you're well on your way. However, I'm gonna be frank. The name is awful. I'll give you this one for free:

Maybe because it said "Most Terrifying". Nothing about Luigi or Boos are terrifying. They're round and cute. Like Kirby.

JesusChrist does not sleep. He waits.

SWEET MOTHER OF GOD. I'm exactly in Stephen's boat. I just got WAY more interested in this... there really is nothing like first-person. No substitute. Can't WAIT to beta test this now :D

lol it's funny cause he's JesusChrist.

I think I just... blue myself.

For God's sake, Marie. I've told you a million times. They're MINERALS!


Turntable.fm DJ Woooooo's House Dance Electro This is the most hipster gathering of Electronic music I know of. By that I mean this is the cutting edge. I haven't been here in a while, but I didn't know most songs that were played in there. If a song was released over a week ago, it's considered "old".

What's the point of having space marines if there is no one to mine space rocks?

Right, and I think that it was on purpose that Nintendo prevented Link from every saying more than HIIIYYAAA. You identify with him. When you play a "Zelda" game, you do feel like you're the one saving Zelda. At least, I did.

Isn't Team Fortress 2 like that? Pretty gruesome kills, and yet there's something frivolous about it. Basically all because of the art style, which, at first glance, looks very similar to this.

Mario and Sonic, sure. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here and let you bad mouth Zelda's "story". Sure, it's super cliche, but they created a lot of lore around that series. I did care about Link. Zelda... meh. Yeah, she was hot, but she was only made of like 16 pixels. Plus, "I" (Link) did all the work, and it

I actually didn't know about it until this article :(