
I disagree entirely. Since AD is best watched more than once, I plowed through the first season over the weekend. I watched episode one again today. I plan to watch the whole season again over the course of the next month or so. That way, I'll catch most of the references that happen all the way at the end of the

I wouldn't exactly say for no reason. He's hit rock bottom and has completely run out of options.

Haha funny you say that, because I thought of the Star Forge from KotOR... and now I'm thinking of the Formics from the Ender series, since the Hive Queen can basically just "call" things from "outside". In a way, the Hive Queen is a 3D printer of sorts.

Thank you for the explanation!

Is this kind of like the Formics' propulsion system? Capturing ions as they travel? Probably wishful thinking.

Sounds like Breaking Bad. I made this epiphany about halfway through season 2 that the show is demonstrating in a "meta" way how a junkie's addiction can bring you so low, and yet you just keep wanting more. Not sure if this was intended by the show's creators, but judging from the high calibre of the entire show, I

It's like Dark Souls but in real life. If only the people could leave warnings posted on their bodies with their dying breaths.

Huh. What I didn't consider until reading your post is... will this kill Red Box's Xbox games? It certainly seems like it would. You'd pay Red Box for the disc, then you'd have to pay a fee to use the disc. No, thank you.

Meh. Almost every video game genre is extremely generic and could describe 90% of all games.

I find that going down into my basement is easier than driving to a gym to work out. :) Going the easier route doesn't have to be bad.

DUNGEON KEEPER. I was just reminiscing about this game like a week ago. What a great game.

You could just drive home from the gym if you really didn't want to work out. Discipline's gotta start somewhere.

Asshole, Major Asshole.

Unless they check for double entries and disqualify you. Seed of doubt, planted.

Haha I knew it was weird that the crowd was cheering every time they said "Xbox exclusive!" Who the hell wants exclusives? Any smart customer wouldn't. "YEAH SHOVE IT IN THEIR LITTLE PLAYSTATION FACES!"

please please please please please

By the same token, the xbox 360 is basically just a PC with an xbox 360 controller. Oh, wait, I can plug my 360 controller into my PC. So, what does that make the 360? Useless? If so, why did so many people buy it?

Oh, is there such a thing?

Dear lord... Dr. Funke is Dr. Wily's boss!!

Assuming you're correct, that is an excellent explanation and analogy. Thank you for taking the time to explain that! It makes much more sense now.