
Haha Have you ever gone to E Forest?

can not WAIT to go this year. I'm SO FRIGGIN EXCITED. I hope that this picture doesn't even come CLOSE to doing it justice!

It sounds like what everyone is mad about is that you don't want to buy a 3DS to play it. Would you buy a 3DS AND the game and still look for an emulator? Or do you just not want to buy the entire system for a single game?

Haha bravo. She definitely tried her hardest.

I did that. Thanks ESA for making it really easy for me to downvote these douchebags!

In before the environmentalists cue the GLOBAL COOLING scare.

I thought you made a typo of PS/2. Do you feel older now? Cause I still feel old.

Obligatory image is obligatory.

Complex Prox Mines is the best game type of anything ever.

Mouse and keyboard isn't "more intuitive" than a touchscreen for people who have never used those. It's that mouse and keyboard is almost always faster and more precise than a controller. Certain types of games can be as good on a controller, a few, even better. A few genres, though, like RTS' and FPS' and MMO's, will

...why didn't they make it solar powered so it could send data forever?

BUT WAIT there's more! Now with a free enema! That's right, folks. Cause those are fun, too.

Wireless graphics cards, anyone? Wireless ANY PC components? You wouldn't even need to build a computer... just put all the parts near each other.

Perhaps Kevin Mcallister was onto something when he was searching for a toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association.

It all comes down to the video card nowadays. Have they released that info?

Yes, I understand how split screen works. You're not necessarily running 2 versions of the same game at the same time; you have the level/map loaded once.

stack overflow

Fair enough.

I blame CoD for a lot of this. Halo allowing for 4 players on one box/one TV and LANning up to 4 boxes/TV's together for this was so fucking awesome. They didn't need to do this, but it was GREATLY appreciated by my friends and me, and was the last bastion / pinnacle of really fun multi-player couch gaming for me.

Why do you read Gizmodo, then? Do you like mostly bright flashing lights and loud noises?