
Does anyone watch Nickelodeon regularly? Are there lots of commercials for Skylanders? I'm wondering how kids and their parents find out about these, because I haven't really seen these advertised ANYWHERE but Kotaku.

So you must be what they call a "cam-whore".

LOL who MADE this website? A 1995 phishing scam?

Gorons in the Fire Temple of OoT?

Yeah, but... that's assuming that everyone is maxing their bandwidth caps at all times. Surely, that is just not happening. Who KNOWS what the bandwidth cap of THE INTERNET is - that statement barely even makes sense.

I'm glad I was able to briefly talk with you and shake your hand at PAX, Stephen. I'm glad you hold the reins to Kotaku.

Yes, yes, YES. _rubs hands menacingly_

The lynch-pin for me is... I JUST bought one of those range extenders. I get terrible service at my house, which is crazy considering I'm <30 minutes from Boston. That cost $250. Now, I could swallow my pride and my wallet, but I'd still probably get terrible service. I guess I might be able to use my roommate's AT&T

Out of curiosity, what's your profession? Graphic designer or video editor?

I actually closed my tab out, and then I came back hoping that...

I hate when they put one-time use anything in a game. I simply NEVER think that the situation that I'm in is enough to warrant using it, and I just NEVER use it.

Thank you; that was extremely informative. Did you know that off the top of your head?

you are so far outta your league its not even funny

also, Dvorak and Qwerty at the touch of a switch.

Anything made with the map editor is Blizzard property. So, the assets remain Blizzard's property.


"BB is really focusing on how easy it is to use one-handed."

If they said "Magical" it must be some Jobs ancestor, seeing as he was CEO when they branded the iPad magical.

Sweet. Can't wait for that, then. Steam ftw

Hand of Fate on DS? o.O