
So... Apple spent millions of dollars on buying out a company to develop their own map software... it sucked... and NOW they're letting Google Maps run on Apple products? Okaaaayyy.

He and a friend did it in a few hours about oh, say... 4 years ago? Something like that. Pretty sure he never got a license for it nor was ever sued. Either it never got popular enough for the original creators to care, or they never trademarked the phrase Spank the Monkey. I also don't know what he named the game. I

Oh, there's a hole. There's a hole. There's a hole in the bottom of the...


No more Bomberman. How did I not hear about this... sad day :(((((((((((((

The one for iPhone? My friend made that.

HAHAHA awesome.


I KNOW RIGHT?! Also, is that a quote from The Incredibles? +1 for you.

^ This was EXACTLY my reaction. I even said it just like that out loud.

Eat fresh! D:

A Seinfeld episode comes to mind...

What a coincidence. This has always been my favorite color.

I hope to make a video game someday that has an even greater impact on education than your ClassRealm. I can only hope!

This is what I was thinking.

Does anyone know how to make it handle dual monitors? :/ I have a monitor and a TV (secondary monitor), and I'd like to be able to switch it to my TV (secondary monitor) without having to change my Primary monitor in Display settings. Is that the only way to do it? I'd think I'd just be able to press

Maybe it's because PC gamers are ... better. /trollface

The point in the article is that if you drink 5 drinks on an empty stomach you will feel way worse than if you drink 5 drinks with some food in your stomach, which is obviously true. Nowhere does it say "eat food so you can tolerate way more alcohol".

Psh. They forgot about throwing it into the Sun. That's at least as practical if not moreso than the rest of these.