Lt Hurwitz

That's what the motherfucker said!

I don't even care about the politics, I don't care about the movie, but the idea that movies cannot feature Islamic terrorism is just an absolute absurdity.

What was the last movie to get an F on this site? Funny that anything with unacceptable politics gets downgraded. The Russian mafia cannot be the villain in every fucking movie, sometimes a movie about a terrorist attack will shockingly feature Islam, I know SO UNREALISTIC!

Thinking this is great makes you a good person.

It's wrong that's what it has to do with me. It's wrong and awful that black people have been failed so horribly. And the answer? Chase the cops out of majority black areas so gangs be free to reclaim all the territory they've lost in the last 20 years, and that is precisely what is happening.

One gets grossly overinflated coverage in the media, the other is shrugged off. Mention Antonio Smith, the Bunny Friend Park mass shooting, or Chicago's latest horror show of a weekend, and no one cares.

Young black males murder each other at astronomical rates compared to every other racial group. The answer from the left is to make the word "thug" racist and to blame the police. Eliminating a word from everyday usage, and making police hesitate in responding to calls in minority neighborhoods is not going to make

If we shipped the entire cities of Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, Chicago etc., to those countries we'd see how long the peace and harmony lasted.

So guys who do action movies haven't worked with female directors, and guys who made their early careers in romcoms have? Shocking.

Well if you're fearless you should probably sign up, other than you most people are afraid of a man advancing on them with a knife. It's surprising but that can be seen as a threat by some who are not as courageous as you, I know right, what pussies.

So disband the force and things get better in Chicago?

"It is outrageous that this movie was whitewashed!" - internet outrage machine.

Take criticism from people who know nothing about police work? You don't understand how tenuous the line between where we are, and where we were, is. You will.

It's more realistic than whatever the hell it is you people want. Criminals to not be shot ever? That's not possible, it will not ever be possible.

I worked with those scumbags too, and what I saw was future robberies, assaults, rapes, and murders in their eyes. Crimes that I couldn't stop, and that people with your worldview actively work against stopping.

You have 13,000 cops in Chicago, not all will be saints. Just like not all doctors, lawyers, or accountants will be saints. Yet all police are painted with one brush, and howls to undo all the policies of the last two decades of police work. Crime will go up, do not be surprised.

People like you spend a year pounding a constant drumbeat bent on breaking the morale of police departments nationwide, and just wash your hands of it when constantly compounding death and misery follow in your wake. It really is sickening.

I'll never get it. You people pretend that policing is the worst problem in poor black neighborhoods, and I'm the one that's clueless.

So then if the CPD is disbanded things will improve?

No sense getting angry at statistics. Chicago declared war on the police, just is working out the kinks on the making friends with it's criminals part.