Lt Hurwitz

It's a shame he couldn't make it to ten minutes, then he'd have been truly absolved of his white guilt, but nine minutes? Fuck that, anyone could do that.

Lt Hurwitz to Eric Garner: "Hit the treadmill if you're going to take on 5 people at once."

Megadeth's well received new album? D. The musical equivalent of off brand Twinkies? B+.

No, it just makes, banal, petty complaints vomit inducing.

No other people on earth treat minorities poorly, certainly not any one of the non-white peoples who are so spiritual and closer to mother earth. Being a member of a minority group in Riyadh, Bangalore, or Lhasa, is splendid! A Coptic Christian in Egypt? Bah, in our country multi-millionaires don't get gold statues on

I thought I couldn't hate this show any more, but it finds new ways to make me wish for an electro-magnetic pulse.

"My white mama" was a trailblazing sketch.

The racial diversity of television shows no one watches is what really matters Dan, duh.

They're all dyed in the wool Hollywood liberals who give out those damn stupid ass awards on that boring, unwatchable, telecast. Liberals can't be racist.

You people really think racism didn't exist until the US created it. How is it possible to think such things?

Those stereotypes didn't exist previously? That's fascinating. Racism didn't exist in other countries until Hollywood created it? Even more fascinating.

It's a business, the market determines what roles get generated. The overseas market is especially important, the overseas market is also racist (yes, racism exists outside of the American South). You are not going to force a business to consider losing money.

Because admitting men and women are different admits that men and women are different. This is something that can't be said.

She's making that white guilt money, I don't blame her at all.

They're pretty interchangeable. People who loudly proclaim they don't think incorrect thoughts, and who are quick to inform you of the moral superiority that imbues them with.

This site is St. Vincent eating kale cronuts at the Park Slope food co-op while reading "Diary of an Oxygen Thief." It is very hipster, and politically correct.

My initial premise is that liberals don't care about diversity of opinion, they are just as fascistic as those they frequently wag their fingers at. Everyone is dirty, liberals just pretend not to be more than anyone else.

Because your opinion is that this is xenophobic, and only your opinions have merit. I'm sure you also call out the bigotry and xenophobia in Islam, Mexico, China, etc., or do you think it is solely a problem of Western civilization?

Why feel guilty about that? It's okay to not find her funny, it's okay to find anyone not funny whatever their race/gender/whatever. A person on the internet who says otherwise, or accuses you of some -ism because you don't, is a crazy person.

Prepare for the wrath of one thousand hipsters for calling Leslie Jones unattractive, "she's gorgeous you're a racist misogynist!"