Lt Hurwitz

Because, as we all know, no other man is capable of any violence, or evil.

Kilgrave is the boy from that episode of the Twilight Zone, all grown up.

I'm surprised, I thought someone with the username "Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface" would have some hard bark on them.

I love how every, every, single piece of mainstream entertainment gets huge criticism for sexism…except Meek Mill (or any rapper) can say he'll chase da pussy down, or whatever he likes, and get a 100% total free pass.

Her music sounds like a cat in heat screeching while someone feeds aluminum foil into a garbage disposal.

Wow a female driven comedy! Never had one of those before right, Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore, Charlotte Rae, Ann Romano, Bea Arhtur, Estelle Getty, Betty White, Penny Marshall, Cindy Williams, Roseanne Barr, Candance Bergen, Fran Drescher, Ellen Degeneres, Brett Butler, Melissa Joan Hart, Queen Latifah, Lisa

“There are a million little disasters you can feel every day as a woman living in a culture that constantly insists that you’ll never be enough, so much so that for some of us simply getting out of bed is a triumph.”

I don't like Redlettermedia, it's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like the avclub, here everything's soft, and smooth.

"Two people talking in a room" "Talking in a room, sitting on a couch" "Sitting on a couch, sitting on a couch, sitting on a couch talking." "A camera, B camera. Shot/reverse shot/sitting on a couch."

Surprised the author didn't bring up the crux of the episode, the red haired cop says "so we have a deal?" Randy and the Mayor say yes, then turn their backs while the cops whomp homeless ass. Progressives can't acknowledge that they want heavy handed police tactics when it suits them (go read any urban blog story

As opposed to dinner guests who complain about capitalism while wearing four hundred dollar shoes, living in a twenty-three hundred dollar a month apartment, and drinking organic gluten free wine?

So, obviously, the Karl Marx book is free.

"Market research determined that the female demographic is excited by him" Bond.

They also overlook the fact that Hollywood won't mess with the formula in a billion dollar franchise. Tom Hardy will probably be bond.

Max Landis, is that you?

"Foiled by a plan so hackneyed it would make Stan Lee blush"

"Woohoo beer beer beer, bed bed bed!"

Towards the end it seemed like a really high concept Cymbalta ad, to me.

"Every time a woman is alone around a man, especially one that she doesn't know, she has to view him as a potential threat"

I find the question as to why people praise it so much to be interesting.