Fight then fight more

I still can’t belive that happened.

It’s not the same Jez after the Gawker exit. We have quite a few Gawker refugees and it has changed the tone of the comments a bit.

A lot of these comments are atrocious. Some seem gleeful? I know Kanye isn’t perfect but damn.

Maybe you need one.

I was kind of concerned about him. I hope he takes the time he needs and tends to his health.

Kanye has low-key over the years discussed legitimate mental health issues. I am not somebody who dismisses Kanye as ‘crazy’, but he’s been reasonably direct about it. For all his antics he is still a person, and I hope he’s ok.

I hope he gets well soon.

if it helps: he probably can’t either

Trump will have a heart attack and die in January, Pence will have a stroke and die in February, Ryan will be diagnosed with cancer and step down in March, and Bannon will die in a car accident in April. Various other horrible people will meet their ends through various natural causes and accidents.

Damn, that’s dark as hell.

I know this is pretty complicated, but if you don’t click the articles you don’t like, you won’t read those articles.

I once had a case of anselegort and my doctor gave me a cream that cleared it right up.

So I’m guessing it’s safe to say that she’ll wear a dress that Michelle Obama wore?

So this is how the people in the Fantastic Four comic book felt once Reed Richards turned the apartment building into a fortress of death.

I didn’t realize that Presidents only worked five days a week. Neat.

america, fuck no :( comin around to ruin the motherfuckin day

This is going to be like the keystone cops crossed with stalin.

Dr. Phil is such a bottom-feeder. Oprah what did you unleash unto the world? Girl come destroy your spawn. (I can talk to Oprah like this because we share the same birthday.)

180 is apropos.