Fight then fight more

That top picture makes me really hungry for pizza.

Bumping this and hoping someone who can answer sees it.

Donald Trump is the kid whose house you go over to on Friday after school because his mom let’s him have Totino’s pizza rolls. You eat all his pizza rolls, play his Neo Geo, leave a mess, and don’t even say thank you when you leave.

I’ll openly admit, I don’t know much about governmental or legal processes. Is Admiral Rogers admitting this a potential precursor to a direct challenge to Trump’s legitimacy? Can anything be done about this? Either way, Admiral Rogers is my hero of the day.

Sidenote: I think I’ve seen that movie.

I can’t believe that sack of shit has reduced me to defending Christie, but fuck Kushner. Christie was doing his job. Kushner should reserve his anger for his father. Who are these fucking people?!?

I just don’t get it. How is that an S? All I see is Gtormfront.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Hi, I can help with this:

I know I posted earlier, but did some more research on the quote of

Jesus goddamn fucking christ.

Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.

That’s why I did it!

Shit, she was one of the good ones:(

Well who?

Because sometimes people need to speak up for the greater good, which lesson you haven’t apparently leaned yet, probably being too busy weeping over your lost cause. Grow the fuck up fast, little snowflake, because reality is coming on apace.