Six ravens in a trench coat

How is it that every person who touches Like Skywalker at Disney has no fucking clue who he is? And what he cares about and what motivates him? A man that made this same choice he's demanding Grogu make, a man who lost multiple father figures in route to throwing down his sword and refusing to fight his father. Just

That continues into the sequel trilogy. The Force Awakens with Kylo Ren ordering the mass execution of an entire village of innocent bystanders, and the rest of the trilogy tries to set him up as this figure deserving of redemption, and the whole time I was like, FUUUUUUUUUCK THAT.

I loved “I fought Thanos...” after he negotiated with the ninja.

Gotta wonder if Fury or SHIELD provided notes to ensure a “reasonably accurate” (cough) portrayal of the events for this show.

Which, by the way, was produced by this universe’s Oliver Putnam in my headcanon thanks to a generous donation by Teddy Dimas.

One more thing about ROGERS: it pinged my radar that the Battle of New York sequence hit before the midway point; maybe the show ends with the events of Endgame and Steve “going to the Moon.”

Clint at the LARP made me smile. Because he enjoyed it.

I hope no one knows who I am through my kinja account. The last thing my constituents need is more ammunition against their Prime Minister. 

(I posted this elsewhere, but it’s probably buried & I need people’s thoughts)

instead we have to keep repackaging my childhood for new kids over and over again

In such a busy city, how does one not notice the cacophany of noise coming through an open door and think the car is a bit louder than it should be while in motion?

Now playing

His second best work. The first being the voice of Donald Duck

I was also bullied and picked on as a child. Faggot, Retard, Spaz, I was called everything in the book. I still chose to try and be a better person and he could have, too.

If someone has problematic viewpoints, the expected response now is to attack instead of educate.

I agree that Sam and Bucky are platonic friends, even if I think Bucky is not a full Kinsey zero on the scale.

Maybe, but we do know they’re not from Guilford after all.

The unvaccinated will pass the disease amongst themselves.

Drizzt is like *the* most overrated character in all of D&D.

As a fellow lifetime Harry Potter fan what I always wanted growing up was to know what the wizarding community/history was like in the United States.

In-N-Out fries suck not because they are fresh cut but because they are fried once. Look at any guide to making good fries and every single one requires the fries to be blanched at a lower temperature (to cook the starch properly) and then fried at a higher temperature for crispness. There are one-fry hacks that start

The truth is you just can’t think about it. It does not stand up under scrutiny, but then again, so very few of them do. Yes, I get that by staying in the past, Steve has effectively created a new timeline but here are sooooo many problems.