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"But, since he’s also the womanizing layabout de facto cool guy of sunny Venice, California, he’s got plenty to console him in this series about how Arnett’s aging screw-up uses his very vocal presence in Alcoholics Anonymous and his beach bum charm to manipulate everyone around him"

"It’s perhaps one of the driving reasons that the notorious happy-ending alterations made to the stage version have been neatly removed."

There needs to be a time limit on plot spoilers, and you're dumb.

Where's "The Whales of August"? Fine, she's only in it for two minutes. Did she meet Lillian Gish?

"Let's Go See The New Nicolas Cage Movie!"

I got a Christian mad once by telling him there's more evidence for Santa than there is for Jesus. Good times.

The great demarcation point in history both for Britain and the world (minus the United States to some extent) was World War I, of course. All those European monarchs getting deposed, the Ottoman Empire broken up, map of Europe and the Middle East redrawn.

My favorite gag this season was all the comments about Lord Hexham being gay, and how only Bertie's mom figured that out.

Hell of a long time just to get there.

Wrong war. Britain got its ass kicked in 1940 and consequently suffered far fewer casualties. Master George has much better odds of making it out alive than his father's generation did.

The obvious answer would be that Barrow's father found out he was gay and chucked him out of the house.

Oh fantastic. That would be perfect, then. "Downton Abbey II: The Next Generation". Maybe George could be an RAF pilot.

Don't see any reason to presume Edith won't still be running her paper.

I do wish they'd do a sequel with the Crawleys in 1940. I guess George would be too young to be an Army lieutenant trying to make it to Dunkirk.

Carson is such a lickspittle.

I think not enough attention is being paid to the fact that you own your CD in a way that you just don't in our brave new world where we let Apple have everything. You could give your CD to a friend. You could sell it at a garage sale or trade it in at the record store. You could give it to a library.

Album artwork was killed by CDs.

But who will teach them the difference between taught and taut?

You know they're probably going to have Grohl on SNL to sing Hey Jude or something when Sir Paul does croak.

Reforming Nirvana with Paul McCartney!