And here I was thinking that Grohl delivered a perfectly solid performance. Glad we have the AV Club to tell us what to hate.
And here I was thinking that Grohl delivered a perfectly solid performance. Glad we have the AV Club to tell us what to hate.
Agreed, I think a lot of people just straight up hated this show because it wasn't "The Muppet Show".
I'm kind of surprised that this writer characterizes that ending as a cliffhanger and organizes the entire review around it. That was supposed to be a cliffhanger? That wasn't Kermit and Piggy just getting back together? Of course it was.
Only 44 posts, and this still has been posted like four times.
Guess we white people will just have to continue not caring, then. If a black person wants to crap all over "Hey Jude" then more power to them.
Oh good, I'm glad we managed to bring this discussion around to racism. Swell.
Someone needs to tell the reviewer that this show is not called "Joan".
Would this be a good movie to watch with a 7-year-old girl? A 7-year-old girl who loved Ponyo and Spirited Away, that is?
"I lost my senses! Except taste."
Jesus, that would be a lot of reviews. That show ran for, what, 12 years? Maybe a Ten Best series or something.
I think the Balance Fallacy is the notion that if Democrats say A, and Republicans say B, the true/right thing is always halfway between A and B. Which led to the joke I read on Daily Kos years ago: "Parties Differ On Shape Of Earth".
"Both sides of this issue are crazy. (Moreso liberals, because fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck liberals.)"
"In my opinion, the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year."
Nasim Pedrad is going to try something very like that
Minh voiced by Lauren Tom. Maybe best known as Ross's Chinese girlfriend on "Friends"?
The murder-mystery two parter with Debbie Grund (voice of Reese Witherspoon) was pretty great as well.
Man, what a great show this was. How many episodes was Octavio in, and for how long? And still he had character depth.
I have seen various vagina-owning people on the internet say that that joke is pretty much bullshit and a kick to the vagina is not something you can just shake off.
After a while it became fairly obvious that all Parker and Stone can do is mock people that care about things—and mostly, mock liberals that care about things.
Yeah, "The Goode Family" is an example of what I was talking about upthread re: KOTH getting hardcore libertarian in its later years. Really not much of a change there.