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Yup. She's awful.

John and Paul probably would have stayed together for years. George might have split. Who knows, maybe they get Clapton like Lennon suggested.

Yes, this must be about misogyny. It couldn't be that Yoko was and is a talentless hack and attention whore. No, she's a woman, so that couldn't possibly be true.

I love classic movies and Frank Capra and "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" is a goddamn masterpiece, but I've never cared for this movie. First, "follow your bliss" is no way to run a world. I felt the same way watching this that I did when reading "Tuesdays With Morrie", namely, that society would collapse if we all

That quote is from the famous 1980 Playboy interview which was later published in book form as "All We Are Saying".

Yes, it's fascinating, this latter-day revisionist impulse to deny that Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles. She was crucial to breaking up the Beatles. Know how we know? John Lennon said so.

Oh, you're a liar.

Well, no, it's not specious, it's true.

This is true, at least partially. Yoko Ono as an artist, an avant-garde artist, was a fascinating figure.

"Not when he looks so fierce"


That's reductive. The rise of Elmo coincided with the show getting dumber in order to cater to children with shorter attention spans. From the Wikipedia "history of Sesame Street" article:

Was shocked to read that the HBO "Sesame Street" will only be 30 minutes.

No. He'll have appendicitis.

Would sink eventually from barnacles and marine life eventually eating away their hulls.

In real life a virus like the one on the tv show is impossible. Not only would it be pretty much impossible for a virus to kill off all of humanity as it would eventually burn out its host, there's no realistic virus that could wipe out all vertebrate life as we have seen.

But it doesn't mean that it couldn't work for Mike. Maybe the Virus-resistant gene is recessive (it would have to be, really) and his parents each carried one.

The ISS has a Soyuz escape pod.

See also TV Tropes and "Bad Bad Acting"

"Look Throne of Blood made it so we don't ever need another Macbeth adaption."