
I think another point is that, IMO, the legend of Dave Chappelle has gotten waaaaay out in front of his talent. His show was great for sure, Killing Them Softly is outstanding, and Half Baked is Gen X’s classic stoner movie. But, honestly, there was not much else going on at the time on Comedy Central and he benefited

Just watched the long version of Hateful Eight in serial form (6 episodes or something).  I actually really enjoyed it.  I liked it more than Django or Hollywood for sure.

This here. Not funny. And while I appreciate the sentimentality of his inspirational messages, he’s not particularly good at it and it’s become really tired. As far as the trans jokes go, I think this point in the review is spot on:

Hadda Waning Ham

True, there's only so much room on the internet after all.

For me it was realizing that these are not actually one person. I’m kinda bummed because I really thought James Marsden was awesome.

Counterpoint: Biden looks so very, very, very old. And it’s just going to get worse. I hope to god Trump doesn’t win but Biden’s not a great alternative. I’m as left as they come, btw, but Biden’s age is concerning from both an electability and a competency standpoint.

No there’s just snow way.

It’s weird because the logic makes no sense. I mean, someone is going to have to deliver the pizzas and someone always will be delivering the pizzas.  Should those people who will inevitably be delivering the pizzas never be allowed to earn a living wage until they get a better job?  Should we only allow children with

I just finished the making of Airplane! oral history book. I had no idea Lorne Michaels ripped off Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker’s Kentucky Fried Theatre stage show in LA which ran from 1971 to well past the start of SNL.  That and, of course, National Lampoon.  So yeah, SNL was never particularly edgy.

I’m not defending Kanye here but my speculation is that this was his Hitler phase. Lots of middle school boys go through it. You know, drawing swastikas in your notebook margins, meeting your first Jewish person, understanding how much it annoys your parents and other adults, beginning a WWII souvenir collection,


Oooo Crackle!

What everyone needs to understand, and I mean this seriously, is that coolness over aged 25 is exceedingly rare.  Tom Waits maybe.  I can't think of anyone else.  Thus, all the midlife crisis jokes aimed at Musk.

Holy crap.  Clerks 3.  I mean wow.  It is insanely bad.

I’m no expert but I assume that, as with most states, outside of the major metropolitan areas in California, people are fairly conservative.  Central valley, etc.

Erotic Probiotic? I haven’t seen a name as good since Galactic Prophylactic.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

I worked the 1995 Microsoft convention that introduced Windows 95. The snack tables were incredible. I also got a free copy of MS Bob.