
When my great grandma's health started to decline, we had just gotten a puppy -a crazy energetic golden retriever who jumped on and barked at anything and everything that made her excited, and my GG just loved her, even though we wouldn't let the puppy get too close for fear her knocking GG over. Once she was finally

When my mom was dying, at my sister's home, with hospice care, my sister's dog wouldn't leave the room. He was a Basenji. He stationed himself at the end of the bed and you had to check with him before you could see my mom. She wasn't conscious, but Brownie kept watch over her. When she died, he left the room and

Men don't, because you likely haven't been discriminated against historically, interpersonally, and systematically for your gender and gendered role as a parent.

hipsters, usually.

YES. I also get skin-crawl-y about people using the terms "hubby" or "wifey."

The first two words of the headline work just fine on their own. Every day. For almost every story.

In India, your native language is referred to as "mother tongue." That's not an error.

I think one of the core problems with this sort of blanket rule is not only that it is so ridiculous to "dudes who want to see the falcons sans kids," but it also possibly lulls parents/guardians into a false sense of security in places like this, aimed at kids, as if they are some kind of impenetrable bubble.

Idk, I'm not in the business of trying to suss out whether someone is truly seeking my opinion when they ask for it. I try to take people at face value as much as possible. If someone says "What do you think about X?" I'll probably tell them what I really think. Exceptions obviously exist but, we aren't in middle

Yeah. Seems like it's more about the illusion of safety it gives to concerned parents.

I am 100% in agreement and willing to stay away from this and any establishment that has determined that single adults pose a risk to kids. Kudos.

I'm with Richards on this one. It seems unlikely that kids with their families would get abducted at a park, and even more likely that requiring an appointment beforehand would weed out any pedophiles who do get it. (Unless staff are wih them the whole time. Are they?) Stigmatizing people who like to do "kid stuff"

Yeah, gotta say, this "anti-pedophilia ban" is insane. Keeping single people from visiting a park because any lone adult is suspected of being a child molester, with the justification that "there is a lot in the headlines about pedophiles and things that are going on with children"? Seriously?

Mmmph? This isn't a jungle gym though, with zero of interest to adults in it; it's a self-proclaimed "adventure park," and I agree with Grandpa that stuff like falcons will appeal to people of all sorts of age groups.

the falconry is of interest to all.

I do actually find this really surprising. I get where they're coming from, but even the local children's museum lets in adults. You just have to turn over your driver's license, and wear a badge identifying you as an adult who is there without a child, so that if anyone sees you with a child, they know it isn't

"Don't go to bed angry" is totally bullshit. You know what doesn't help you get through a rough spot? Being deliriously tired because you were up all night trying to sort through an argument or issue. And sometimes sleeping on it is the best way to cool off.