Poor little Cotton. I just want you to know that we, your brothers and sisters, are all praying for your safe return.
Thanks for pointing out something intelligent and informed about canine (particularly herding dog) behavior. Also please ignore the haters commenting. These same people would be the first to grab the pitchforks and torches if the story were about a family who gave up their dog because behavioral problems/new baby in…
There seems to be this pressure on women collectively to keep men faithful by refusing to have sex with a man married to someone else. Tracy more or less points this out when she talks about how men are not held accountable. I think it's nonsense. It is not your friend's responsibility to keep this man from cheating.…
Yep. I'm guessing that since the baby was born Shadow Pouncer hasn't been outdoors enough. It looks like a herding dog mix and they go a little nuts w/o adequate mental and physical stimulation.
Daykota is just playing at being a fox in the snow:
Look at him not only making food for people less fortunate, but trying his best to make TASTY food.
Jezebel gets that way all the time. People act like anyone who's ever done a shitty, inexcusable thing (cheating, sleeping with someone in a relationship, telling a racist/sexist/homophobic joke, driving drunk, etc.) should be written off, forever, as a shitty person on the grounds of that thing they did. I'm half…
Also, I just want to say that I'm not sure how this is more morally wrong than anything else. It's not directed at you, but everyone else commenting on this thread. Are all of these people calling out their friends and folks as scum because they refuse to date a dude who's 5'2 or just brunettes? Or because they…
Oh man, so much of this is good... but this? This is incorrect.
Thanks. He's definitely scum. Thank goodness she's not with him anymore. Ugh.
"Help others cheat?" What does that entail? Like, arrange clandestine meetings? That definitely doesn't sound like what the OP was doing.
I'd be cranky if I was asked about Taylor Swift...
we should all probably start listening to our elders about health, and also not being douches. sounds like a plan to me.
This guy is awesome. Perhaps Rick Scott should take some notes that the secret to longevity might be living a positive life and staying busy giving back.
I can't imagine the judge who'd throw a 90-year-old man in jail for two months for feeding the homeless would have a long career ahead of them.