
I usually hate videos of kids, especially overly excited kids that think everyone gives a shit about the dumb things they are saying.
THAT SAID, this kid rules and this was funny as shit.
THAT SAID, if I had to spend a day with this kid instead of just watching a two minute video of his antics I would probably off

I need him to be finished. What's more, I need to know we're going to have a real discussion about consent in Canada. I need to know we're going to finally realize how difficult it is for women to come forward. I need to know we're going to have varied types of resources - from criminal support to therapy to family

And did the women consent to him showing them to third parties?

It's gonna be alright hun. He's finished.

Also, what a fucking liar asshole. Not to mention, stupid. First he claims that his personal life should affect his job and how his higher ups treat him, but then it turns out that he showed them his nasty sex tapes.

Dude just had video of him beating up his sexual partners lying around?

Also a valid reason to get fired: showing your bosses a sex tape you made.

Really? Police can expel students who sexually assault other students? That must be why we hear of that happening all the time.

You can argue maybe it's not their responsibility to protect every aspect of their students' lives, but it sure as hell is their responsibility to take appropriate action after a crime is committed. And if there were appropriate repercussions for crimes, that in turn would help protect their students by making people

I think your point is somewhat valid. But, a university is required to enforce the law. And I think here the point is that the university knew illegal activities were taking place, enough so to warn people about said activities, but did nothing to prevent the activities. It's like saying that the university knows

Yeezus they are more willing to help a rapist than a victim! They honestly do not believe this is a problem and probably wish all these sluts would shut up already.

Sounds like they followed the model used by the Roman Catholic Church, also referred to as "the hot potato method"

"Robert Roe, the student accused of raping Doe, was ultimately found responsible for the crime in an on-campus disciplinary hearing and expelled. But the school changed his records to state he had "voluntarily withdrawn" in order to "assist him in seeking further studies."

Are you kidding me? No, I don't do a lot of day-drinking. But when I am in a bar, typically at night, I should not have to deal with babies or children. Is it that hard of a concept to understand? Bringing babies to a bar is inappropriate. I try to be conscious of people and situations around me, which is why I

Welp, Second Dave is the worst.

I don't know—it's not a cultural thing here to open for brunch that early. Because anybody that's up at 8 on a Sunday is at church, basically.

I have one rule on this topic, and it is this: "DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE AT A BAR/BRUNCH." Adults, babies, whomever. If you behave like an asshole—obnoxious adults, parents who refuse to remove tantrum-having kids from a situation—you're not welcome. If you behave normally and your presence isn't a buzzkill, go wherever

My friends with babies go to brunch during actual breakfast time, before the rush, at like 8am. I went with them once, it was such a different Sunday morning scene. Actually sort of calm and efficient, with all young families, screamers were taken outside and all tipped pretty well. I always thought that was ok...?

I appreciate the distinction at the end in the sense that there are restaurants which have a bar area. So long as the baby is not in the bar area, I see no reason why a baby can't be at the restaurant. But, I'm sorry, I do not think a baby should ever be in a bar. And it's not because I think people are bad parents