
Thats EXACTLY what I thought when I saw this trailer. I was like "This has sooo much potential, but it looks like that Alice movie that totally effing sucked". James Franco being cast doesn't even bother me that much next to how craptastical the visuals/direction/world look.

YES! Thank you! Dwarf version is all emotional. You don't even need visuals with the dwarf version, you hear it and you can just picture what the Dwarves are going through. Maybe suffered a tough defeat, need some inspiration, need to band together, need courage to make it through deadly perils.

Yea, color sucks too. Also, all this talking the actors do, just shut up! Whatever happened to Charlie Chaplin, seriously. Movies today suck!

Yea, not sure what the author was thinking on that one.

Psssst. Little hint back at you, the judge (who works for the government) made the decision to hear the trial and uphold the sentence.

Yea, why isn't the patent system being sued for promoting Apple products over other companies. This whole thing is tarded and I'm pretty sick of the government at this point.

Wow, our government is batting a thousand here. Award Apple over $1bil for "patents" (with extra large quotes) and now sue Google for... promoting their own products? Isn't that what advertising is? Its OK if Apple puts their own products on their website, just not Google.

Nope, keep selling. This patent system is no longer functioning correctly and is therefore void. Why do we choose to live under something that doesn't exist?

No problem. I'll fight the man, and you keep... voting? Have fun letting everyone else tell you how to live your life, but you might like that sort of thing, I don't know.

Boycott. Not just the costumers boycotting Apple. Samsung and other companies should just boycott the legal system. Summoned to court? Don't show up. Judged to pay $1bil? Don't pay it. Simple as that. What is the US government going to do? Roll out the tanks? Declare Marshall law? I'm fine with that, the

Umm, I don't know if YOU are trolling, but this is pretty self explanatory. They just won over a billion dollars. Now that want almost another billion dollars, and, heres the kicker, the right to ban Samsung from pretty much existing (yes, genius, in this metaphor I'm using "existing" to mean Samsung's ability to


Yep, just like how when a water main breaks out in the public street and leaks 5% of the water coming to my house, I should pay for it. Sounds fair to me.


Baaah! Sorry, thats the only word I know in your language.

Mirroring what the others have said, it IS Apple's fault, not verizon or sprint. Many Android devices chose to enable this feature by supplying the necessary hardware. Apple chose not to supply to hardware. It is Apple's fault.

Correct. That website is wrong. The tweet it is basing its thesis on says nothing of iPhone, only "4G devices" which the author takes to include the iPhone5. But it does not, despite the fact that the tweet is correct in that many Android 4G devices allow simultaneous voice/data.

Yay, facetime over cell network. That'll do wonders with the data cap. Say hello to thousand dollar balances... err, I mean, your family and friends!

YEP! THIS is the only reason. Why give consumers something good, when you can give them something less good/shitty and charge the same price and sell the same amount. Couldn't have said it better myself. Apple isn't the richest company in the world right now for no reason, they know how to do business.

I know, I was being snarky. What I mostly don't understand is how these vague patents ever got approved, nevermind how the courts keep entertaining these cases.