This is a good idea. There are plenty of starting places in the canon — Opar, Pellucidar, the ant men.
This is a good idea. There are plenty of starting places in the canon — Opar, Pellucidar, the ant men.
Thank you. That comment both expresses my feelings and made my day.
You mean Affleck’s face? He is getting older, after all.
He was, at least for a guy of his age and background. I just posted some quotes up by his picture in another thread. But here are some original sources:
For all Benedict’s easy-to-tease quirks and a couple of serious failures, he wasn’t bad at all on climate change.
I think you may be confused on this matter. In fact, traditional Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism, have a long and largely distinguished history of engaging with (and doing) scientific study as a way of understanding God — “reading the book of nature.”
Fuller also invented the geodesic dome, which was practically an emblem of DIY hippie homebuilders in the 1970s. One of these guys wrote a while back that every single dome leaked — as you would expect, considering the number of seams they all had.
Hollow Man.
Wait. Is that a real thing? Not the causing cancer, obvs, but the people claiming it does? Because that’s a new low in fearmongering, as well as forced associations.
I actually like them. “Reverse Flash” is says what it means, pure and simple. “Professor Zoom” is goofier, but in a cool retro way, like a mint-and-pink kitchen or a diner full of formica and stainless.
Wait, back up. Did you say shape-shifting robots?
Needs some P’Gell. Then I’m in.
Yeah, it's a little too Zack Snyder but guess what? I'm gonna watch it. Im gonna watch it a lot. So save the hate for somebody who cares.
They're an ethnic group, most or all of whom are Christians. They speak a group of related Semitic languages.
Yup. That's what I'm expecting.
I'm torn. Recoloring old comics is a little like "colorizing" black and white movies, a bad idea that seems to have gone by the wayside. The bright, bold colors are part of the art form in its developmental stages.
Hmmn. While it doesn't roll off the tongue like "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," I'll bet "A Human-Shaped Fungus Grows in England" would make a better movie.
I'd been thinking of Diggle as Alfred, especially the Michael Caine/Sean Pertwee version, with his Special Forces background.
It's kind of weird to me that DC's TV universe is becoming a kind of "surrogate city" — that is, a place where B-list heroes can stand in for A-listers that the suits want to reserve for the movies.
Similar, but … more Golden Age DC. He couldn't grow to Giant-Man/Goliath size, but he could shrink to literally subatomic size, which let him do things like travel through telephone lines. All while controlling not only his size but his mass, so that he could pop out of a phone, grow to a few inches high while in…