
Vogue stopped working with him in 2013. I remember being shocked - I was sure his behaviour was going to be ignored forever.


This is useful and helpful context. While Terry is obviously a terrible person, this background makes it sound more like a tragedy and the dysfunction of one generation being passed on an multiplied in subsequent generations.

This hits home today. My husband was going on about this Pulitzer-prize winning journalist this morning and my take was that I didn’t like his tendency to insert himself into his freaking articles. Like, you’re not that important, the subject is - STAY OUT AND DO YOUR JOB. There’s something to be said about this

Oh, I know it! It’s just something my brother likes to good-naturedly tease me about. I have three bunnies, sleep A LOT, buy really good wine and weed, while my bro has a toddler, a rad wife and a very sweet, but domestic life. I also like to tell him about my “dick in every port” stories, so I think he’s a little

I’m in my late 40s and have no time for stalking anyone. Work, sleep, moisturizing, cats, vodka - where would I fit Bieber in, even if I wanted to?

Anjelica, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, I know nothing of Anjelica Huston other than that I will forever love The Witches and The Addams Family.

This was Conde Nast International, which operates somewhat autonomously from regular Conde. Conde Nast in the US has had him unofficially blacklisted for years now.

I watched that Clooney and Damon interview. “We knew he was a womanizer. But that was just Harvey.” They knew he was a preice of shit, thought he was lying about Affairs with “friends” of theirs. It just illustrated this phenomenon that I have never understood where men will continue to be friends and colleagues with

At what adult age would this behaviour be OK? ‘Cos I’m thinking none.

The investigation opened by the NY AG against the Weinstein Company is probably going to have the most impact because this goes straight to the heart of the problem - the enablers. And it’s against the company, not the individual. I really HOPE this tips the scales very heavily toward companies taking this more

I assume it was. It helps make sure Conde gets good press by being proactive instead of weeks of women coming out with stories about being harassed by him. I know plenty of women have already done so, but it seems like the news cycle is paying attention right now. A former model friend of mine stood up to him when she

I think it was trump being elected. His rise has lead to a groundswell of disgust. It started with the Fox assholes and seems to be snowballing.

For real. I am 40 and my younger brother has warned me about turning into That. Lady.

It’s about goddamned time. Was the Weinstein scandal what prompted this? Because I can’t imagine the horrors women were forced to go through working with him and the backing he continually got from Condé Nast and other major publications. Condé Nast and agencies could not have been that oblivious as several people

The fan, a woman in her 40s,

I HATE that it took this long for Terry to be smeared and blacklisted, BUT I will take every single one of these assaulting douchebags going down one by one in the hopes that people finally understand this should never have been ignored or blamed on the victims.

You can find photo sets of him having weird staged sex with his models in about ten seconds using google but CONDE NASTE IS OUT FRONT, LEADING THE FIGHT AGAIN..