
This shits me NO END. A girl I work with (and who is a sweetheart, so I feel bad for shading her) says “brekkie” in lieu of “breakfast”. Every time I hear it I’m fairly certain I visibly cringe. I have no time for the Australian vernacular save for in a comedic context.

The 1% at the Cup really is just 1%. The rest is bogans gone wild. For the past few years our little community of musicians here in Hellbourne has participated in an event called Cup My Balls. It takes place at what is arguably the grimiest pub in the country and involves a bunch of trashy rock bands making a racket,

Cab. I have a friend who insists on calling cabernet, Cab.

Champers? Savvie bee?! What the hell are you Australians doing down there?!

My husband almost has a stroke when he hears Cab Sav and starts ranting about shortening words because it’s lazy and “those fuckheads at the shop call it that” - which is hilarious, as they are a bunch of rednecks. He’s ridiculously easy to get going. If I wasn’t irritated by the same thing, I might tease him more.

OMG, I listened to that this morning. The way he went on and on about his (and his friend’s) children was sickening. All the people he’s threatened and sicced his troll army on all these years had children too. \

I would walk into court like a boss to pay that fine.

Isn’t there something cathartic about singing the end of BHS: “Black hole SUN! Black hole SUN!!! Won’t you cooooooooooome!”

They’re also both imaginary, so I guess she can believe what she wants to believe, as awful as it is.

I’m glad Megyn Kelly is speaking out, but like, she hemmed and hawed for so long, threw Gretchem Carlson under the bus, that her and Fox News—-like they make tons of money on toxic news, and they themselves attract people who are toxic themselves. Megyn Kelly made a name for herself by yelling just as much as Bill

See? Santa’s whiteness really was the same as Jesus’s! They were both brown Middle Easterners.

This reply is several years too late but Santa came from Asia Minor (today’s Turkey) while Jesus was a Semite from the Middle East. They were not WASPS or even ‘European’ in the loose (i.e I am from Bulgaria so am Western = White) North American sense. They were two brown guys from Asia!!

Yes, four is the limit. I lumped interracial under “cucking.”

Does it max out at 4 options? Because I feel like the lack of an “interracial” selection was a missed opportunity.

Soooooo......he just happened to forward gay porn to Liz Weihl, that he had “received,” for legal purposes?

I would suspect there would be email trail that would confirm this then, correct?

The only way they’d stop watching was if the new prime time host was an LGBT+ minority in a same-sex marriage and praised Obama.

Thank you. This segment is still burned into my brain. I am the most cynical human on planet Earth and am still befuddled as to how she has employment after this.

The results of my totally scientific poll about Bill O’Reilly...

Bill O’Reilly being a sexually harassing (and likely rapist) pig does have a silver lining in that it might just tank 21st Century Fox’s attempt to buy out the whole of Sky plc here in the UK, a deal that was already under threat because of Murdoch’s press interests.

This doesn’t rehabilitate Megyn Kelly, but I’m glad she’s making trouble for the sexual harassment machine over at Fox.