
When I was little my dad and I would rent movies a lot from this little, independent store in the river town near where he lived. I was very into Natural Disaster movies, as any child in the 90s would be. I was wandering around and suddenly he yelled and grabbed me to keep me from going down one, curtained-off aisle

I loooove disaster movies (by the way, if you feel like I do do not miss out on “Daylight”!). I also have a long rant about how I think Roland Emmerich would be an excellent choice to direct a Star Wars movie that my super pretentious film nerd friends hate because I love films just as much as them (but with less

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I offer The Stand. Way better than Contagion.

The Road. Now you might be like “oh, we never saw what the disaster was, and it was only like one minute at the beginning, that’s just post-apocalypse...” No, the disaster was the ongoing inadequate sunlight and resultant starvation. When that stops, it’s post-apocalypse.

The Day After, youngsters.

I typically shy away from Cinema Verite, but Von Trier turned me around with this one.

O god yes I was unexpectedly – and deeply –moved by Melancholia.

I love Melancholia, even if (or maybe because) it isn’t Big Hollywood Disaster.

And where are the Godzilla movies, for crying out loud? Godzilla is much more of a force of nature than any stupid alien invasion. Godzilla is the Earth’s vengeance for nuclear war and political hubris. Godzilla is awesome, and I want him to show up and knock over Cheetolini’s tacky buildings like they were made out

ARMAGEDDON is the second greatest movie of all time (after Con Air), hence the greatest disaster movie ever.

Now, I haven’t seen the whole thing but Bait is 2012 movie about a tsunami that traps sharks in a mall. That might be a spoiler because I think many of the shoppers are convinced there’s only one shark for most of the movie. Regardless, it’s like that shark on a highway hoax come to life!

Literally snorted onto my computer when I got to Titanic at the end. Well played.

Volcano blows Dante’s Peak out of the water(lava flow?). Same inexplicably fast moving lava, but way more fun. And a really oddly crammed in commentary on race.

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You’ve included one of my all-time favorites – 2012 – but not the other: War of the Worlds (2005). Yes, OK, I know: it stars overlord Tom Cruise. But it’s a terrific story and the acting and effects are first rate. It’s one of the few end-of-the-world movies I repeat-watch.

Contagion has to be my favorite on this list because let’s face it that movie has it all:

I have some real love for Twister, so I’m tacking that on here. Bill Paxton 4ever may he rest in peace. Also, a great performance from PSH, may he also rest in peace. Such a great flick.

Children of Men is my favorite because I want the end of the world to be that green.

This list does not include The Core. Therefore, it is instantly incorrect.

Armageddon? Deep Impact? List not complete without

“...but it gets hacked” is going to start being such a common premise that eventually most movies will be about something that gets hacked.