
If you’ve never been to a meeting, it helps, even if you don’t think you have a problem. I went to meetings once a week for two months and it changed my life. You don’t have to say anything and can just listen, and there are snacks.

What a fucking shame, and a horrible way to go.    Also, pretty fucking tasteless to have an ad for Jack Daniels in the middle of the article.   I know you don’t have control over that, but let your soul sucking bosses know.

I get the parent’s grief. But blaming some locker room attendant for running out to score him some drugs and not Skagg’s himself is some next level denial. His death is indeed tragic and I wish he got some help, but it was his decision to make this fatal mistake. Jamming up some underling is bullshit.

We all know that agents, attorneys, all have their agenda—by the way, they’re all taking money out of the pie, too, when they’re there. And so the straighter it goes from the source to the one receiving it, nine times out of ten, that’s more efficient.

Elliot should show up to games and watch from the Salvation Army Kettle.

Ordinarily I’d agree, but this is something new. By all accounts the Skyfall is Russia’s version of Project Pluto/SLAM, a cruise missile from the 50's also powered by a nuclear engine. Best guess is it’s a nuclear-heated turbofan or turbojet, similar to the NEPA/ANP programs from the 50's

History has shown over and over again that prohibition leads to crime and a black market that harms consumers. They would rather see people die than simply legalize and regulate.

Frankenbuilds are fun for the builder and a nightmare for anyone who ends up with it after that.  I should know - I have one in my garage that I didn’t build.

Yet another Deadspin staffer bitter at the success of the mighty Oakland Athletics

I don’t think you’re grasping the point of the rule - it’s actually to protect the defense. You’ve seen how long it can take for a player to get out of the stands or the dugout after making a catch - often, enough would-be time for the runners to advance more than one base after tagging up (especially if the player

Crazy thought but maybe if you legalized and regulated it, you could avoid many of these risks?

Settle down, Christy. Boogie’s not shooting anything for at least a year.

I’ll admit I haven’t been following this season closely, but what’s up with the Bottas criticism? He’s second in points (though, narrowly edging out #3) and only seems to have finished significantly worse than Hamilton in two (arguably three) races. Yet, he has also won two races, beaten Hamilton in three races, has

How many correct calls must we endure before this horror is banished to hell, and we can go back to complaining about refs missing all the calls before being stalked and killed by deranged passionate fans after the game, like the soccer I remember?

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing to be offended over.

This is a little bit beyond the pale (see what I did there?). Sounds like they kind of painted themselves into a creative corner with the brewery name there. From square one.

This will just make regular people annoyed. Better to stand outside 10 Downing street and yell at Boris every time he shows his face.

I think this is one of those times where it is okay to be offended, but maybe keep a check on the level of outrage. Otherwise you can start a chain reaction and eventually the whole thing explodes over social media, and you could be left dealing with the fallout for years. 

If only there was an unemployed QB that previously took his team to the Super Bowl available...

Having a goal that requires months of sustained training is probably going to be more effective than just saying “I’m going to start doing activity X until I weigh Y.” I mean that CAN work, but seeing the results of your efforts is highly motivating.