
All of the potential match-ups have never happened in the playoffs before: Preds v Stars, Sharks v Blues, etc

I had heard people mention in passing that the Habs wouldn’t hire a non-Francophone coach but I didn’t realize that there had been actual issues before, thanks for pulling up that quote up.

Glad you posted yours so I didn’t have to. When I went to change the oil the first time in the new rex and was blown away with how great the placement was.

Sure, I think the sentiment was more that everyone is gone and it is a bummer

Sean Macdonald and Tyler Rogoway are both gone as of this week.

I’m tired of these lazy Texas insults. Where would this video be from where there was thoughtful commentary? It’s the same redneck in every single state and country in the world, the only difference is that the rednecks in Texas have oil money so they have cameras to put this sort of thing online.

Eh, Sid fights okay. He’s not a great puncher but he doesn’t ever get rocked in a fight - usually his fights consist of him manhandling the other guy because of his strong stance.

This is high level misconstruing on par with the best satirists, well done.

They’ve definitely climbed the rankings in their farm system, I saw that happening, it just seems like they were making poor financial decisions while letting go of killer talent. I get it, that shit works, but tough to watch so many players walk away.

Gotta get people in the stands some how - the team composition has been a bit of a tire fire the last year or so. I’m a casual Braves fan as my NL team and it’s been a bit of a pain to figure out what the fuck they are trying to accomplish at this point.

Ogando has had a pretty fucked up experience from even before he was in the league including human trafficking implications, changed names, etc. I always liked him as a Ranger but felt all of the other stuff got in the way of his pitching sometimes.

Oh boy, I would hate to be the kid who grows up to see a video of myself acting like Bo Jackson is no big deal... in front of Bo Jackson.

As a Predators fan I do not like 3 on 3, for everyone else it is very exciting

eh, let it go - Jezebel is next door and leaking into these comments.

I miss Klein on the Predators - guy plays his ass off and is the first guy to stick up for a teammate.

This is the most salient point in the thread. Part of making games towards the younger generation seem to help with the ‘finished product’ reaching the hands of the consumer.

I was wondering the same thing - I thought it may have had something to do with Chrome or my local network but apparently not.

I should also note that the chatter on other blogs is that they under-inflated the tire even per the reduced Michelin spec which may have caused the catastrophic delamination.

To add to what Flawed_Logic stated about video journalism, I think a good example of using writing and video reporting in tandem is your Gawker colleague Doug DeMuro. He often covers the same things in both formats but makes a good case for both reading and watching.

I think that’s a fair assessment but it wasn’t like those teams were bad, it seemed more like Wade was capable but Jerry didn’t like that he pushed back on draft/personnel choices. Regardless, I’m going to take any chance I get to say fuck Jerry.