
"system main" brings up a brief blurb about certain park systems.

Best on-paper feel of any pen out there. This thing will convert any G-2 fan.

Picked my '88 up for $800, same condition as yours (seriously, thin-gauge sheet metal patches and all), and I love the hell out of it. Only 75k on it, so I'm fairly certain a rebody is going to have to happen eventually.

Looks like my truck...

No. Because... me, too.

My two-year-old heard a landline ringing recently and couldn't figure out what it was, even when I pointed at it. It took me a moment to parse that she had never seen one before, and it looked absolutely nothing like her established notion of what a phone is.

Yup. Trashed a Note 2 trying to get the shattered glass off the screen. Took my time, used copious amounts of heat, but... yeah. Not even close.

I remember when the 5.0calypse went down and took Oppo with it (into the new, awful format). We found out that adding "/oppositelock" to the Jez URL allowed us to enjoy the old style for a bit longer. If I remember correctly, everyone got along surprisingly well, particularly in the "Post a Picture of Yourself" thread.


My Thunderbird was once rendered immobile by three inches of snow in a level parking lot.

Basil Hayden's will put Woodford Reserve right out of your head. Seriously amazing stuff.

1988 S-10, 2.8l here. I know the feel.

Spinelli had you covered on that.

This. The only saving grace of owning one was leaving out the rear seats and having all that flat-floored cargo area. Also great for road trips downstate where the passenger could sprawl in back and relax.

Oh no, don't try pinning this one on us. Wisconsin takes full credit for THAT one.

"Guys... has anyone ever built a car with a mustache?"

I remember reading something about how Ford execs weren't too pleased with the engineers on the MN12 project when the SC won MT's Car of the Year in '89. They were upset that it was stealing the Thunder from the Mustang. I imagine that win effectively neutered the platform's performance options.

I'll use my #TBirdTuesday entry: the Ford Thunderbird SC.

I agree. Everyone reveres the Monte SS, but they seem to forget the boat anchor under the hood.

Sometimes I wish Jalopnik wasn't owned by Gawker...