farscythe - makin da cawfee!

Since it appears we won’t get Socialism this time around because of the old people, I highly recommend spreading the disease to as many people as possible to purge the OK Boomers.

That new image shows traffic. Change it again.

Ugh. So much for cost control. Soon the richest teams will start swapping helmets three times a weekend while at Williams, Latifi and Russell will be left behind and have to share the same helmet.

Bless you.

When Bernie and the left talk about healthcare being a human right, they mean that we’re all in this together. Some if it is a desire to protect every individual, but the other side of that coin is protecting the masses by preventing things like this.

There’s a company in CA that makes a widened VW steelie lie in your picture...15x8. They run about $800 a set shipped.

Well considering the Thai GP is cancelled as well now, we might be looking at a really isolated first half of the year. Until they get a vaccine figured out.

Those who have needed outside support are way more likely to donate themselves when they are in a better position because they know how much of a positive impact it can make on somebody’s life.

The last car my wife and I bought new was an '05 tC purchased in the fall of' 04. And we still have it. 

This reminds me of that famous song written by Richard Wagner’s accountant, Write Off the Valkyries.

See, folks? Sometimes endless layers of bureaucracy and red tape can be a good thing!

Oh God. It’s like that scene from Raiders.

...when the low fuel light when on.

I ran out of gas...

Random Chicken post: My chicken, Nugget, has had such an eventful year! She spent most of spring broody (which means she really wanted to be a momma and sat on unfertilized eggs for weeks) and then this fall she was attacked very badly by a fox. She fought him off and saved her flock and lost all of her beautiful

I know when I think of Formula 1 drivers, I think of devoted faithful family men.

Gonc was beloved by the Dakar community. Just a few stages ago he swapped out his entire engine, by himself, in the middle of the desert and continued on. A truck dropped off the engine and some tools and he just went to work. Amazing. Today, Red Bull TV, in a very classy move, did not engage in full coverage of the

The point is that the vast, vast majority of us don’t get anything near as generous as this. If I f*ck up to even a minor degree, I get fired with absolutely nothing to show for it.