farscythe - makin da cawfee!

I’m just going to call it the SeXbox

I don’t imaging there’s a single modern Saab left in the US that would fetch those kinds of prices.

You can buy at least 3, and upwards of 8. 

The DeLorean Flight of the Navigator:

Awhile back, I was heavily involved in a project at Disney to build a 40’s/50’s themed restaurant at Disney Springs.  It is called “the Edison” (it came out really well).  Anyway, it was a steampunk theme throughout, and we had to do a bunch of research on 1950’s technology and, more importantly, what people thought

Is that you, Turbo Teen?

The thing I like about the Inkspots is that every single one of their songs... and I mean, every single one... starts with that same “Happy Trails” guitar riff.

Yeah and I though to myself back then: “Can they sink any lower?”.

Trump had a dumb response to Nancy Pelosi. [NYT]

Don’t forget the Mesicans! They are sticking it to the illegal Mesican gang bangers who are so lazy they are taking our jerbs!!

I remember seeing it over there as well, and I also noticed that not one person of color did it, it was a lily white affair.

No better way to teach “masculinity” than for a father to literally abandon his child.

Vacuously true! the United States has in absolute terms reduced its CO2 emissions by the most because we were by far the biggest CO2 polluter for 90% of the past 100 years. We had that much room for reduction, so yes we led the world in reduction. In other news, Germany led the world in reduction of mass murder

And these are the people who are worried their kids could get autism from vaccines...

Given the location of the corner, it’s more likely they’d be launched into the North Sea.

And this was while Ghosn was at the helm

Now playing

Speaking of extreme sports, anyone remembers this gem?

It’s 32 percent, which is arctan(0.32) = 17.7 degrees