farscythe - makin da cawfee!

Having short yellow lights, and varying lengths of time from town to town are very important to revenue genera..... I mean public safety.  

I’ll be honest with you, Max fanboys are the absolute most annoying people in F1 discussions. I may have developed a dislike for him based purely on his stans.

I wish more bikers were defensive drivers.  I wish everyone would wake up out of their driving fog to realize they are driving death machines.

I’m curious to see what he says after reviewing the tape.  Heat the moment of course he’s going to think he did the right thing.


Warp 5?

That is one of the most powerful pieces of art I have seen in some times, it really hit me. I feel too sad to thanks for sharing, but thank you. 

This art is brutally sad and vitally important. It is one of the best responses to the standard of dehumanization by defenders of police criminality.

the ferraris were nowhere today.... so sad

Yeah his attempted pass on Bottas was an absolute freakshow Forza move. Don't know what he was thinking.

It was like they repeat a classic!

<3 thank you!

Unrelated to this story, but this is my last post on Jalopnik for the time being and I wanted to say goodbye to everyone. I’ve absolutely loved my time here and I’ll miss my coworkers and the commenting community a lot. I’m sure you’ll eventually see me here again at some point, but stay tuned to Road & Track where

Pro Tip: Install a periscope.

That’s all I’m saying.

Best way to get a song out of your head is to think of another song.

I’ve been wishing for years that they would get the anestesia to such level that they could safely sedate automatically people for x hours. And start shipping people like cargo.

First Qantas flight I am on, LA to Sydney, I am pleased to be seated in the emergency exit row. Then displeased when a baby appears in the row in front of me. But I lucked out. Little Shit, Big Smell didn’t make a peep the entire flight until the landing gear descended. Then he let out a few wails upon waking,

Mine too