
My personal lily-white opinion is, an absolutely unbelievable number of PoC are going to turn out for this movie, they’re gonna go with all their kids, they’re going to go with their friends, because they’ve never been represented this way before. And all us pale-ass nerds are going to turn out because the movie looks

(j/k this is probably an accurate assessment)

Black Panther will open well but it’s not going to make Avengers Money. It’ll likely do the sort of business that Wonder Woman and Spider-Man Homecoming did in the USA. It’s probably not going to make a huge amount in money in China either as a largely Black/African cast wont have much appeal there.

You mean you haven’t heard of The Weeknd? He’s on every soundtrack. He was on The 50 Shades of Grey soundtrack. That shit was nominated for an Oscar.

How does this in particular further proves your feeling? I mean you obviously don’t listen to much ‘’popular’’ or hip-hop music (never heard of Future) so the initial annoucement of Kendrick Lamar as curator should have been enough.

So in conclusion, the police (government) had to come in to make sure Bliss (ISP’s) isn’t causing unnecessary slowdowns for his benefit and to the detriment of the public.

Huh, funny how that works.

I’m not knocking Blade. I’m just saying that Spawn (which was Image, not Marvel to begin with) was a successful comic book super hero adaptation (made double its cost in box office). It’s an important step in the lineage of comic book movies, especially those with a black man and his family front and center.

That’s a discredit to Spawn, which came out a year earlier. Blade made more money, but Spawn planted the flag.

Now playing

Yikes, that is a bit presumptive isn’t it? Reminds me of this scene. But flip it for this scenario.

Just a reminder that Snipes got people to take the superhero movie genre seriously.

Heh, just because Trish has a gun doesn’t make her anything like the Punisher. I get it, guns trigger you guys.

its a new technology and the meme writer is writing about a meme use.

I usually tip 10 percent on takeout orders. Last night, for example, our order was about $40 and I left $4. Was $4 “overpaying” for the 2-3 minutes that the person took to bag up my order and ring me out? Well, probably, but between the two of us I figure she will probably be more thankful for the $4 than I will miss


Umm, I do. I want to see them save the world with the power of good tunes and being excellent to each other.

No one’s asking for a reboot, but there are clearly some who want to see another sequel.

Orcs aren’t demons. There’s a diegetic difference. In the Bright universe there’s only 3 races; Orcs, Elves, and Humans. Fairies are there but not as anything more than fey nuisances. Magic is the religious force, not angels and demons. It’d be like calling the Elves in the film Romulans. If that’s your Gizmodo snark

Netflix Knows what you’ve been watching.

Oh, hahahahaha, my sides.