Ray ray

I think its sad white people keep forgetting the numbering systems they use are Arab. so... who’s taking who’s number?

well it’s easy to take care of. Since use of VPN in China is illegal without government authorization, just rat them out :P

the math don’t add up. I saw on another article that the solar panels on the Sion rate for 1.2kW.  1.2kW PV in Germany should on an average day generate about 3-4 kWh for a whole day. 21 miles range assuming this car has the efficiency of the Model S would need 7kWh energy

yet there are still fuckheads in Taiwan wanting reunification

I being using it for 2 weeks now and I love it

“How do you documentary your life, when real life is getting more like fiction each day?”

well, our dumb dumb in chief is close by in Vietnam...

why is it every time you guys have such deals there was never anything from USC Trojans :(

why is it every time you guys have such deals there was never anything from USC Trojans :(

I’m sure the Coliseum will still be used for 2028. Putting back the tracks won’t be difficult at all honestly.

LeBatard is interviewing the caddie

when are these hitting the dealership?

watch the recording of the Broadway performance

who hurt you? 


well specifically he is our genocidal maniac that hasn’t pissed off the U.S. government yet, unlike some other genocidal maniacs the U.S. used to support

but the Lincoln hybrid drivetrain suck balls. and I know, I have a MKZ hybrid

who the heck are these people?

you seen the toupe in chief

that face looks like a catfish

we need alcohol to sing that high