Fake Socks™

You can beat Minecraft? Had no idea.

Prologues, prologues, prologues... why do so many creative people want to go backwards and show what already happened instead of what happens next?

Same. Dystopian fiction was my genre of choice until recently. Now I’m Romance and Cozy Mystery until the world improves.

But the Hunger Games dystopia is different as it involves rich people doing whatever they want without consequences and denying the plight of the poor that they are causing while claiming they are helping them. That is completely...the same as our society. Man, I was really hoping to not morning drink today.

Living dystopia has left me unable to enjoy dystopia. Sorry. 

3 wheeled bicycle, eh?

Sh*t My Kevin Says

I can’t believe we had an article about working titles without even mentioning the fact that Unforgettable was very nearly titled The Rememberer. I’m sure it would atill be airing today if they had gone with that title.

Don't Trust The Kevin In Apartment 27

I am going to watch the f**k out of this.

You forgot about “The B*tch In..."

Hopefully this goes better for Gaga than naming an album U2 did for Negativland.

I don’t mind the presence of the characters, but I do find it odd that they titled it Birds of Prey. Maybe the film isn’t as Harley-focused as the promotion implies, but as it stands, it’s like if Deadpool 2 had been called X-Force.

“Harley’s Angels” would have been a great title.

I think it’s clear that the movie started as a Bird of Prey flick, and then WB execs shoved Harley into hit and forced rewrite. But they had already announced Birds of Prey, so they kept the title.

Please don’t, it’s honestly one of the worst bg budget movies I’ve ever seen, certainly amount the worst comic movies 

Nah, you’re good. 

Seems like people are foaming to make them but I just don’t see the pint.

Good luck to him. Alcoholism sucks.