Maybe 500GB is acceptable for a low-price Laptop. Otherwise, it’s rather an amount that fit’s better in 2005 than 2015.
It’s not like 60GB games like GTA V are released for the Wii U Anyway.
I think if someone pays 60 bucks for something, that have the right to critizise the thing. Especially when a a certain product was suggested, but not received.
The point is not “This game looks ugly” or “This game looks outdated”.
I really dislike this idea of not pre-ordering in general.
But the thing is: As games are in development for several more years, you expect the developers to polish the graphics and add even more details and beautiful things.
Annoying, but not that big a deal.
I think that makes him more badass. Who wants a political correct villain?
TL:TR for me, so I just guess:
Please just end the show. >.>
And I thought my opinion about the gaming/let’s play scene on Youtube couldn’t sink any lower.
That awesome midi music.
Duh? They already announced that there will be more news on the NX in 2016.
This is freakin sick and awesome.
How about just catching it and setting it fre outside? But I guess that would be to humane.