we are talking about stadium events with pokemon present, not dark lit rooms dude, and i don’t go to movie theaters.
we are talking about stadium events with pokemon present, not dark lit rooms dude, and i don’t go to movie theaters.
Coming from a person with a pikachu avatar, your story doesn’t add up. Take video games seriously! This isn’t a daycare, nor is it storytime.
Maybe if that made sense!
if my phone on silent is distracting, I thank you for paying attention to me. Nerds are awesome so I don’t really blame ya. (This was blatantly meant to be obnoxious).
I agree with everyone else who has stated the obvious, it’s my money and I do what I want.
don't get defensive and try to say I'm berating people, don't go there!
partying and drinking are not synonymous in my book.
you could call it a social obligation.
i literally was playing pokemon go at a concert, and literally have no regrets. i will pick playing video games on my phone over pretty much anything in public, especially drinking alcohol and acting obnoxious.
she’s wonder woman, not a frigid bitch. falling in love can be empowering.
i’m not bothered by your image and i still don’t agree. both garments have a seam in the middle anyway. if you have a problem with anatomy well that’s just not fair. i’ve read some of your other comments and you seem to flip flop on whether or not you think less or more clothing is appropriate according to anatomy.…
amazeballs she-ra
body stocking will always be better than booty shorts you vanilla cone
oh geez, i always hated this game... now even more unbearable... whyyyy?
i’m sure you have lots of friends who want to get drunk with you so you can judge them.
they could wear street clothes and catch pokemon for the camera but that would be a little too realistic.
yip yip!
i’m pretty much allergic to all animals except for piggies and reptiles/amphibians/fish. CATS ARE AWESOME THO!
pigs are awesome! i have a juliana pig named oliver pigglesworth. i would LOVE a kune kune, but they’re a bit larger full grown. you’re right about space and patience being necessary. thank you for not just adopting one because of the “so cute factor”. a lot of piggies end up needing new homes. :( i have a digital…
pigs make great real life sidekicks too <3