
Any candidate that opposes net neutrality will not get my vote.

Fun fact: Before the kale craze, Pizza Hut was the biggest purchaser in the world of Kale, and it was only to garnish their salad bar.

Golden Delicious > *

I freaking loved playing 1 vs 100 for the short time it was available. I’d love it if they brought something like this back on the XB1.

This costume is embarrassing, truthfully. The average cosplayer at SDCC has a more authentic looking costume than this.

Apparently, Alex Ovechkin received a SHEEP for his birthday. No wonder he looked confused when I asked how big it is...

I was working at an isolated weapons facility located in the Fox Archipelago when a cyborg ninja in stealth camoflauge cornered me in a locker. I thought I was going to die and naturally wet myself.

So not only did they mess up that ref; not only does the kid on the right have that inexcusable hairstyle; but they’re going to go and get their coach fired with this made-up story as well.

It really wasn’t that funny, but they get a pass because SVP and Kurkjian are about the two only tolerable people on ESPN these days.

7 seasons and no one beat it until now. The fact that they didn’t give the first person some kind of prize is mind-boggling. A million isn’t necessary but c’mon man.

Matt Damon is a great actor, but unfortunately, he’s also made it painfully obvious time and time again that he is an insufferable douchebag in real life.

I love truffle fries. I love biscuits and gravy. I love reubens. And I love gyros most of all. But the only one of these that made a good chip is truffle fries. I can eat the hell out of those truffle fry chips. The rest of the flavors are pure garbage.

Regardless of whether or not Cosby’s guilty (but where there’s smoke there’s fire...), honestly Wayans’ comments are some of the dumbest words I’ve ever heard come out of a human mouth.

A remake of MG1/2 is bound to happen at this point. But without Kojima, I don’t know if it’d be worth purchasing.

*Sigh* Another uninspired sans-serif logo.

I’ll never lease another car again. Sure, the $150 a month on my Civic was great a few years back, but when I lost my job right at the end of the lease, and had the option of not having a car (because I didn’t have the money to buy another one) or buying out my lease for much more than the car was worth, I had a

Glad to see this article up here. One of the biggest misconceptions women have with fitness is that they believe they’ll look like Arnold after a few weeks with the weights (to be fair, a lot of men think this too). But if it was that easy, everyone would walk around looking like a bodybuilder. You can lift all the

I am more afraid of an individual who has just played a game of Monopoly than one who has just played a video game. Truth.

The best way to saute with butter without burning the butter is to clarify it. Time consuming, but rewarding. Butter in oil will still burn, you just won’t taste it as much because you’ve diluted it.

Burglars and robbers are scummy people. It’s really scummy though to take someone’s wedding ring. I’m well aware that they can probably make big big bank fencing that, but really, what kind of asshole do you have to be to steal someone’s wedding ring?