
It’s easy to support your narrative when you cherry pick which offseason moves you’ll discuss.

It could be that I’m naive, but I really don’t think Chip has a racial agenda. Look at how many black players he has signed compared to those he has let go, etc, etc. But regardless, I worry, as an Eagles fan, what the effect of his moves are. Long term, I can see Philly becoming a destination that top-tier free

You can’t generalize Uber by the actions of a few violent criminals. A quick Google search yields tons of hits on taxi drivers who have raped passengers as well. So it’s a problem, but it’s not an Uber problem.

Brooklyn is one of my favorites among the larger craft breweries.... They have my favorite Summer Ale by far.

60%? That’s lowballing. Every restaurant I’ve cooked at sold wine for a minimum of 2.5x cost (usually somewhere between 2.5x-3x). A good estimate is that a $60 bottle of wine costs the restaurant $20. In some cases, a restaurant can get a great deal from their wine distributer, as well, and you’ll be nonethewiser. I

Homeland’s first season was one of the best seasons in TV history. Season 2 was a stretch. By Season 3, the show had outstayed its welcome. At the end of Season 3, the change to the foundation of the show left Homeland with two options: adapt, and become a truly great political/spy thriller, or fail. It failed. And

I’m glad Boston’s out of the running.

He really should hang it up. It sucks but the guy’s brain is going to be mush if he gets another concussion or two, if it isn’t already. Another year or two of football isn’t worth the decades of pain he’s setting himself up for.

I’m not the type to discount things so quickly (a lot of medications/drugs/etc get a bad rap and are treated almost with superstition), but from experience, the EC Stack is not worth the trouble it brings. I’ve done an EC Stack before and was meticulous in the dosage. Yes, I shed pounds like crazy. My heart rate also

Just when I think I’ve found some new reason to have faith in the human race, I go to Yankee Stadium and see people paying $15 for a can of Heineken. SMFH.

and yet we still pay for their stadiums...

I’m quite certain that a good percentage of players are just going to die on purpose to grief everyone.

The thing I hate the most about sales like this on Amazon is you have no idea how many they’re even selling. Don’t get me wrong—I got lucky three years ago on Black Friday and got a 40” 1080p tv for $199 (Which is a meh deal by today’s standards but a WOW deal three years ago), but I also recognize that those who

I love gyros, and reubens, and truffle fries, and biscuits and gravy. This is a cornucopia of foods that I love. But I have no idea how these will translate to chips other than the gyro chips will probably give you the worst breath in the world. At the very least, I have to applaud Lay’s for not taking the easy route

Shouldn’t the players under 21 not be allowed in bars anyway? At least not officially...

So the question is did he do them all at once or one-by-one?

This. Just going down the line, A-Rod beats Moustakas in OBP, HR, RBI, R, BB, and OPS. Both have 1 steal so that’s moot. Sure, A-Rod’s DHing exclusively now, but I’m sure he could slide in at 3B for the inning or two that would be required of him. Moustakas is hardly more deserving of all star consideration this year.

All this talk about Vaughn being the weak link in the show, and here I am thinking Farrell’s haircut and mustache is just a wee bit too funny for me to take his character seriously.

I love having the home button and would be uncomfortable replacing it with a touch equivalent. Then again, I still hate touch screens on phones and would gladly use a Blackberry today for its keyboard if it didn’t mean I had to use a Blackberry.

This game looks phenomenal, honestly, better than an unnecessary fourth game in a trilogy has any right to be. Almost makes me want to buy a PS4 (no hate on the PS4, just don’t feel like dropping the money on one).