
Off topic: When I first saw the footage of Fallout 4, I was all like “Holy crap the graphics look like the same graphics from Fallout 3. What gives?” Then I looked at the two side by side and realized how far the graphics have come. I guess it’s a testament to how quickly we adjust to new graphical standards.

If you have to pay for a full-priced game on top of an already full-priced game to get all of the content, that’s just ridiculous.

Eh, it happens. I dread (seriously.... DREAD) eating out at restaurants with my immediate family because my sister is the pain of all pains. I’ve been on the other side as a sous chef for a number of years so I understand how to treat a server correctly and how to not be a pain in the ass. I often just eat meals that

I’m surprised the big one wasn’t discussed in this — “All Natural.” The most meaningless term in food to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised to see a box of Velveeta labeled all natural. And yet, people will still pay an extra $.50 a bag for a bag of Lay’s that has it on its label.

I’m all for a modular XBOne controller, as long as it’s not a crappy build. The XBOne controller has already proven itself to be of a lesser quality than the 360 controller to me since I’ve had to purchase two new controllers after my first two went defective within 6 months of purchase.

Or............. Lebron could just, oh I don’t know, not flop himself onto the ground every time someone breathes on him. The play in question where Lebron hit his head on the camera was an obvious flop and the NBA doesn’t have the cojones to call him out for it.

Eventually, I withdrew from the process. Why should I trust a system that had given my assailant another chance?

Given the videos included in this article, all I can say is: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It sucks but doing what this guy does, it’s honestly surprising he didn’t die sooner.

Nope. The dumb fuck millennials who idolize Kanye and Kim.

There’s a problem with our generation. There was a time when people did what was needed of them. Now, no one gives a shit about the water crisis. We’ve gotten so accustomed to living in the lap of luxury that most of us either don’t believe it can ever be taken away, or simply do not care. Bunch of idiots, frankly.

I guffawed, quite literally, at that remark from Stannis. If I wasn’t on Stannis the Mannis’ side before, I am now.

Community college haters are idiots. I decided against community college after high school and what did it get me? Overwhelming debt that make my 3.96 mean very little. Meanwhile my GF is graduating from a community college with great grades, and not only is finished with half of her education with no debt, but she’s

I really want there to be a hidden wanted level where instead of the military and tanks coming after you, they throw some badass ninjas at you.

Okay, you’re right on that one and I am wrong. I heard from someone else it was his hometown and didn’t do my research... come to find out that he is from Missouri but from the other side of the state. So I’ll take that one back.

Mathews and Austin are half black...

Race baiting at its finest.

As a rational human being, I proudly say that I’d have no problem if Mayweather was hit by a bus tomorrow. He’s a scumbag and a degenerate and his lack of demonstrated remorse for the actions he was arrested and/or convicted for makes it clear that he’s a sociopath.

“Thot” he was dead? I guess DC doesn’t keep up on current slang.

Completely agreed with this article. I’m just going to add that he’s not only completely oblivious to Mayweather’s documented abuse of women—he’s also a race baiter. SAS has a habit of saying that things make him feel “uncomfortable” (in fact, he did use that word in the video included in this article) so that he can

I don’t know how I feel about this. On one hand, I love using Rocksmith as a training tool and spending time actually learning the instrument. On the other hand, the old Guitar Hero games (before they got milked) were insanely fun. Oh who am I kidding, of course I’ll end up buying it. Score one for the Activision