
As a Yankees fan, I want nothing more than for the team to wipe its hands clean of A-Rod. Nonetheless, we also need him to do well because unfortunately, I’m not confident in a middle-of-the-lineup that consists of Headley, Tex, and Beltran (Over/under 250 games played between the three of them?)

I've taken to having a banana, half scoop of whey protein, a tablespoon of peanut butter, 2/3 cup of milk and 2/3 cup of oats in a smoothie as my breakfast every morning. No sugar added at all. It's easier and tastier than making oatmeal (I can't stand the stuff), and has a great balance of healthy, slow-digesting

Only way you can get shots of this clarity of the sun is to zoom and enhance.

2011 Honda Civic DX-VP. (not my picture). Because in their eagerness to provide people with the cheapest car option available, Honda literally couldn’t even put a damn arm rest in. But in their quest to provide us with a cheap car, not only did they remove the arm rest, but for who the fuck knows why, they completely

I've always found it slightly unnerving how attractive Triss Merigold is. At least now I have an excuse *shrugs*

No mention of the Music button on every Youtube video in this post that plays Darude Sandstorm?

There are many legitimate reasons for not doing deadlifts. Risk of injury with improper form is certainly one. But you're overstepping by saying it is a pointless and stupid exercise. Deadlifts are arguably the best lift for overall strength and gains. It hits an incredible range of muscle groups for one exercise.

There are many legitimate reasons for not doing deadlifts. Risk of injury with improper form is certainly one. But you're overstepping by saying it is a pointless and stupid exercise. Deadlifts are arguably the best lift for overall strength and gains. It hits an incredible range of muscle groups for one exercise.

I don't know if Internet addiction is necessarily a thing, but addiction to interaction and to information is real. It's less about the medium and I honestly don't care where I get it from, but I crave information. It's a symptom of our always-on society.

Mandatory voting is in no way beneficial to the United States of America.

I also agree that the tipping system is shit and needs to be changed. The biggest injustice is that tipping isn't as unfair to servers as it is to back of the house. I've prepped days and days and worked sunrise to sundown holiday after weekend after birthday to walk away with my $12/hour ($9/hr after taxes), only to

St. Louis style pizza sounds disgusting.

Absolutely, positively not. I would not even consider buying an Apple Watch until that price is slashed about 50%. I'm well aware that Apple prices are always inflated, and I've bought quite a few products of theirs at absurd prices, but this is just too much. For $1000, I'll buy an actual timepiece like a Tag Heuer

Incoming Eagles: Byron Maxwell. Frank Gore.

Wholeheartedly agreed. Stouts are the GOAT beer. Nothing hits the spot quite like a Mother's Milk / Joe Mama's Milk Stout from Keegan Ales. I'll usually reach for a stout or porter before anything else.

I know that this issue riles people up, but there really are people out there who are celiac (my sister being one of them) and who aren't full of it.

"At least cocaine" = probably cocaine and a stripper's ass.

Not sure why my preference has anything to do with my mind being too small. It's not as if I'm the only person who has shared such a sentiment. For the record, the article states that they are attempting to make the game more realistic, so your "arcade experience" argument doesn't hold much weight.

Too late, Activision. I've moved on to real guitars and Rocksmith and made better use out of my musical gaming time. But kudos for trying.

I know it's easier said than done, because many of those who are doing the swatting are taking steps to make sure they don't get caught, but swatters should be locked up for a long, long time. All it takes is for one person getting swatted to twitch the wrong way and they are in danger of getting shot/injured/killed.