
The biggest takeaway from this article that I agree with is that there simply isn't enough to do in Destiny and that the content doesn't warrant the price. The thing is, I've blown plenty of money on video games before. Hell, I've spent almost $200 on Rocksmith and Rocksmith 2014 DLC alone (don't judge). I would

And here I was thinking that the Knickerbockers were already in full tank mode.

I always replace oil with butter in my brownies. And they are nom-nom good.

Now playing

...no one, except for the crowds of people chanting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now."

Safer and more practical recommendation: do it on the rough bottom of a ceramic plate. Doesn't require you to leave your kitchen, the same result, and a ceramic plate is a helluva lot cheaper to replace if you damage it than a car window.

1) I will never have a fake Christmas tree in my house.

As someone whose sister legitimately has Celiac and as someone who is an experienced line cook, I cannot stand the idiots who jump on the gluten-free fad. If you have Celiac, great, don't eat gluten. But all the hippies who swear off gluten without even knowing what it is (a combination of two proteins in wheat,

This isn't so much a book as an author, but Shakespeare. I think reason his works are so divisive among young teens but so beloved by adults is because our schools force us to read them when we are too young to understand the meaning behind the difficult-to-read English.

The only thing that the link you provided proves is that the witnesses don't know what the hell happened that day. It's mind-boggling how one brief sequence of events can be interpreted this many ways.

As much as I am not a fan of Obama as president, and as much as I am "meh" about Call of Duty, all I can think about upon reading this article is playing Zombies as President Obama.

Just figured I'd share: Dragon Age Inquisition is one of the most truly engrossing games to come out in years. I'm 150 hours in and in denial that I only have one or two main quest missions left.

I'm excited for Far Cry 4 but it'll have to wait until I've finished Dragon Age Inquisition. I've been waiting so dang long for a proper Dragon Age sequel.

If I'm the Bulls, I draft a point guard in next year's draft class. Can't blame Rose because these things obviously are freak occurrences but the guy is made of glass. You can't build a franchise around a star who averages 5 games a season.

As if it was ever in doubt how much a please-like-me kinda guy Dwight is, he had to go and copy Harden's hairstyle. Beard next?

Watch it, that's my future wife you're talking about.

I'm naturally looking forward to this as an AC fan. Yeah the series had some missteps but has been consistently fun for most of its run. That said, I can't decide whether I'm more excited for this or for the upcoming last-gen entry. Naval warfare was arguably the best element of AC 4. I wonder if the game will end

Obviously a cheap shot on the opposing QB. No NFL defender can be that unaware to not know that they are 2 or 3 yards deep in the endzone.

Since so much of this translates to stuff that clearly is not in the game in any form, I wonder how much of it illustrates the downloadable content we have yet to receive? I mean, the full game has so many obvious features cut that it's obvious they're holding it back to charge us extra for it.

To be fair, the real crime would be if the PawSox DIDN'T like those titties.