Charles M. Hagmaier

Bishop has the gun. He has all the guns.

Didn't he tell Peter at one point that he was a Republican, but voted for him anyways?

In fact, the current rules make it illegal for that sort of PAC to interact with the campaign. She *can't* take that money, probably couldn't even try to refuse it without violating coordination rules.

BB's been over for the better part of a year, next thing you'll be complaining about is Lost spoilers.

Not if he's a functioning political operative. Rather, he values that focused directness which can approximate candor under the lights.

The dance girl is back because every Court needs a Fool. And it made Alicia look like the Faerie Queene to her new campaign manager.

The close proximity of the glass-in-hand meeting with Finn and the pull-over does *not* look good for the pretty boy of the SA's office. He looked like hell, too, didn't he? Either Castro had him followed, or Finn's being a bastard, and feelilng the appropriate guilt for it.

More to the point, Alicia already has that thing which makes her a saint, that thing that Hillary Clinton does *not* have, despite their structural similarities. A saint does not tell you of her saintliness, but just… oozes grace from every pore. And Alicia, whatever her other faults, radiates grace like a runaway

He is too pretty for the role, isn't he? Our stereotyped TV image of a campaign pro is a schlub or a valkyrie. In my experience, real low and mid-level campaign people either look like Alicia, her mother, or these tall frat-boyish kids. Well, the latter are usually the low-level guys.

Crap John Cusack movie about record-store nerds?

Oh, man, that chorus is going to burrow through my backbrain for the rest of the day. And it's barely 5 AM.

Then I suppose you can safely steal the $5 from her purse without her noticing.

If it's a joke, it's a marvelous long-con hoax with a budget of millions and the patience of a tortoise, since they got episodes on Amazon Instant Video & probably other, cheaper online venues. Oh, and probably it was listed on a network schedule somewhere. They do still have TV networks, right?

Yeah, except "The Seeker" is hot garbage that nobody except High Fidelity otaku and Poppy Montgomery remember, and "I Can See For Miles" is repetitive but catchy and everybody and her retired mother in Boca Raton knows the chorus.

Yeah, it bore enough common points of production and design that I sometimes confused the plots of individual episodes with those of Person of Interest and Blue Collar. Except it was no-where near as good as either of those shows, and Poppy Montgomery couldn't maintain her accent for any given episode without lapsing

Yeah, Time Out of Joint and Ubik, I think. It's been a couple decades since I read either one, and their reality-decay gags tend to blend together in my recall. And yes, I've read Robert Anton Wilson's witterings about radical epistemological skepticism, forget the name of the book, but it struck me as… unhelpful

That… is a good argument which kicks one of the props out from under my solipsistic purgatorial theory of the narrative. Can *all* the ghosts be characterized as creatures of Esau?

What was the production reason for the foreshortened seasons, anyways? I know the writer's strike was in there somewhere, but not three-four seasons running!

I could get behind the unexplained mystery - Fringe, for instance, lost a lot of its depth of view when they forgot themselves and allowed comprehensive answers to kill their mysteries - if the showrunners didn't have a habit of avoiding the solution to a mystery by *dropping the subject entirely*. Walt didn't remain

I don't know if it was a smokescreen, more that when the chips were down, his reaction was to kill anything that moved. He was a scorpion.