
People seem all about getting out of here today.

Guessing the one in Tokyo will remain as well. They did a good job with that one too.

Nope. Pants tube. It exists in the film as well

Hmm, no making fun of Hammond, May has to be fast and Clarkson needs to be nice to everyone. That should make them different enough to make the lawyers happy.

I think we will all be in agreement that Winston needs some love. He brings a vital view point to the movie.

Stef, get yourself on the Jalopnik corporate jet and head to Goodwood for either the Revival or Festival of Speed. Most every car runs, most have equal, or greater pedigree than what is at Monterey, especially the race cars, and there are very few ropes. Just walk up and be respectful.

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I remember when this was in heavy rotation on MTV. Along with the greatest video ever...

You at Honeywell?

Hypnotoad demands that you want it.

Ah, don’t know about that, but I will post some pics on Observation Deck and Oppo.

I’m attending a NASA Social next week where they will be testing one of the SSMEs that are being repurposed for the SLS. We won’t be a close as those cameras, but should be less than a mile away, or three times as close as you can get during a launch. It should be interesting what we will really see. I’m guessing a

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if you find that unsettling then definitely don’t watch this. One of my favorite slow-mo videos showing a Saturn V lifting off. Amazing to see.

Time to get going.

That’s cool. Hopefully it gets displayed somewhere appropriate and not just stored away.

As an aerospace engineer I assumed I would be doing something with dragons and that’s where I ended up.

Well, they brought in fake spark generators a season ago. Back in the day they came from end plates and now they are from the skids on the bottom. More side by side racing would be good. They are also taking the cars back to 2m width.

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Watching Hockenhiem breaks my heart. It used to be the trimmed out center of speed for F1. Lay the wings flat and put the throttle to the floor. Now it is just meh. Totally lost its personality.

pitting on my nerd hat, but A wasn’t a refit. It was a new ship and was commissioned after the original Enterprise was destroyed in Search for Spock. Hard to say whatbthebintent was with the numbers on the drawing. A lot of that stuff there was just creative license and people read a bit too much into it.

Looking at this, they reused some numbers. I assume they did that to honor lost ships. I'm guessing that was before the decided to go with XXXX-A and so forth.

NASCAR would need more car fires to really imitate Atlanta summer driving. You would also need some of the race cars purposefully blocking the wreckers from getting to accidents as well.