
So am I :p

Consider it from the point of view of someone who doesn't yet have a tablet (Android, iPad, or WinRT), wants one, and is also in the market for a laptop. They can spend $1200-$1500 (price for the 2 models mentioned above plus the keyboard dock) to get a fully functional laptop that also doubles as a Win8 tablet

Fact: that's the point. GTA has gone "realistic". Saints Row is meant to be over-the-top batshit insanity non-stop.

Considering how many games just overlay touchpad controls onto the screen, and how many games could benefit from an actual controller, I'm happy that there's a console coming out that will make it easier to play those games the way they're meant to be played.

Don't try to inject your facts and realism into some people's haterade parties. People have been hating on the Ouya since it was announced, with no basis except for...I'm not sure what. Now that it's already released (dev kits at least), people are still calling it vaporware for some reason.

They even put the little "restricted" logo after the word "Halo"! How stupid did they have to be to steal the logo belonging to a very large corporation, restrict it, and then try to sell it on their own products?

Yeah, for me, that was Scribblenauts Unlimited. I was like "OMG new game, got rave reviews, only $7.49! MUST BUY!" And after I bought it, I realized I'd never actually showed any interest in it before seeing it on sale...

The silly thing is that even with all the item issues, people still play D2, a decade after it came out. The only reason they used always-online as an item regulator is because of the real-money auction house. They needed to regulate items so they could make more money from people via the RMAH.

Good thing you don't need internet to play TL2 single player.

While true, most reviews and first-hand sessions on TL2 put it squarely even with D2 in terms of fun, and thus puts it way way ahead of D3's terribleness.

The difference is that TL and TL2 are actually like D1 and D2, and the dev team has therefore proven their chops in making such a game.

TL2 is made by the people who made D1 and D2 (i.e. the good ones). TL2 is what D3 should have been, by all accounts and reviews.

And the sad part about it is that you probably spent less money on those 90 games than you did for 4-5 console games.

...the people who are best at helping retain customers are paid at a higher rate than representatives who handle more basic customer service calls.

I think it could easily fill the "cheap Android stick PC" gap. It's only slightly larger than those Android sticks you can buy, and slightly more expensive, but much more powerful. Turn any TV into a smart TV with a $100 add-on that can easily play 1080p video, connect to Netflix, stream videos from a server in a

The devs couldn't even be bothered to alter the menus so that they work with the gamepad's default controls.

If that's all you want it for, you could get a Raspberry Pi. It actually works really well for that. I on the hand will probably use the Ouya as a sometimes gaming box and mostly to stream video from my home server to wherever I go. Take it with me on travel, tether to phone, hook up to hotel TV via HDMI, and voila!

...this clip is the first sign the record-breaking crowdfunded console will at least some what has been promised.

The main issue is that it's seen as very bad, very weak, for someone to seek professional mental health, more so than in the west. It's a pride/honor thing. It doesn't matter if you have dedicated mental health professionals if no one will go see them for fear of being seen as weak and unfit.

You get plenty of interacting later on. You have to micromanage the path your guys take. Later missions have many many more available paths. You also have to severely manage the types of vehicles as well as the order they travel in, and heavily regulate your use of your special powerups.